Tuesday, April 12, 2016

“News” biased and “Facts” critical. We learned report … – Cable Republic

We got to know the results of the analysis commissioned by NBC media experts who addressed the main news programs the biggest television stations. According to the experts “News” TVP1 not meet the requirements of pluralism and impartiality, describing a greater extent than “facts” TVN and “Events” Polsat the government and the president in a positive light. In turn, the “Fakty” is a lot of critical comments of journalists by state authorities, and “Events most informed about the consequences of the described facts – the portal wirtualnemedia.pl.

Recall that in March, the National Broadcasting Council has commissioned the University of medioznawcom Warsaw preparation of expertise, which was to show how changed “News” TVP1 under the President of TVP Jacek Kurski. the report has also compare programs of Polish Television, TVN and Polsat.

Experts checked after eight editions of the programs’ messages “TVP1,” Facts “TVN and” Events “Polsat issued on February 4-11. in addition, they checked them in terms of quantity (structure, development time) and qualitatively. The idea was to be strong expertise to document and present the hard factual data on which the conclusions are formulated.

“Messages”? Lack of pluralism and bias

According to media experts in the “Communications” TVP requirement of pluralism of information and points of view was implemented limited in scope. In the materials dot. Political events are taken into account the voices of the parliamentary opposition, but usually they were speech shorter and more general. In addition, according to analysis not met the requirement of impartiality relations in any significant political issue.

According to the analysis method of construction news information services TVP is extremely powerful in comparison to the commercial stations, which could hinder the receipt and understanding of the information provided. “Messages show the world monocentric, strongly narrowed down to the political sphere, with strong tensions between the ruling camp and the political opposition. The program emphasizes the positive effects of government action. Axis thematic lot of news is the interest and emphasis on the past – the need to settle the past, cultivation of memory, defense history . There is a strong tendency to build a sense of threat from external forces (immigrants, Russia) and internal (opposition, the previous government), which in total gives an image of the world as a doubly besieged fortress’ – we read.

“Facts”? The reluctance of the government

According to experts “Facts” TVN show the world polycentric and much more diverse, but they lack neutrality presented position. “The apparent suspicion and even aversion to politicians and the ruling party. There is a noticeable tendency to present the image of the state and its institutions as inefficient and incompetently governed, and representatives of the ruling camp are often portrayed in a negative light as a person unworthy, unreliable and not always pure intentions “- we read.


TVP: we do not work on alternative media law

kg wirtualnemedia.pl, telewizjarepublika.pl


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