Monday, September 12, 2016

Ukraine: Volyn Calling the crimes “genocide” negates … – Cable Republic

The Ukrainian Parliament has condemned the decision of the Sejm and Senate, according to which the felony Volhynia has been called genocide. The authorities there say about the line through long-term historical dialogue.

In July, B. R. Polish Parliament adopted a resolution in which the crime Volhynian called genocide, and established the National Day of Remembrance of the Genocide committed by the Ukrainian nationalists on the citizens of the Second Republic.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appealed to the Polish politicians for reconciliation between the two peoples on the basis of mutual Christian forgiveness and asked for a fair examination of the events that took place in Volyn during world war II.

“the Parliament of Ukraine believes that established by the Polish Sejm National Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Genocide committed by the Ukrainian nationalists on the citizens of the second Republic ( ) is a manifestation of the politicization of the tragic pages of Ukrainian-Polish history “- says the resolution.

the Verkhovna Rada noted that Ukraine and Poland” unite both fine examples of a common struggle for freedom and bloody conflicts. ” She said that all the victims of these conflicts should be treated with due respect. To confirm the men of parliamentarians set forth to assess the events of the war years included, among others, in the statements of the Polish presidents and the statements of representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the Roman Catholic Church.

Ukrainian politicians have stressed that the Polish Parliament adopted the above. law at the moment, where in their country is a war with Russia. They added that this decision undermines the diplomatic achievements of the two countries towards an agreement, mutual forgiveness and commemorate the innocent victims of the conflict, among which are the Ukrainians and Poles.

“The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine declares that the only way to reconciliation between the Ukrainian and Polish nation is the common learning of facts and historical conditions, to establish personal responsibility for crimes against humanity and war crimes and Christian forgiveness “- is written in the resolution of the Ukrainian Parliament.

Supreme Council” urges current and future generations of Ukrainians and Poles continuation of the strategic partnership and not giving up carried out by some political forces attempt to manipulate the delicate pages of the past against the interests of the Ukrainian and Polish nation, “- added in the resolution.



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