Sunday, September 25, 2016

Germany: changes on the political scene means the success of Russia? Cable Republic

What causes a change in the German political scene? Care in the shadow of the Christian Democrats with the CDU confirmed the next local elections. On the other hand, there are suggestions that the increase in the values of AfD and SPD can be a great triumph…Putin.

Iron coalition to disintegrate?

the Party of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU loses much support in Germany. The reason for this, of course, is the immigration crisis, which, on the other hand, has increased in Germany in support of the conservative party AfD. The crisis of confidence in the CDU even the recent local elections a week ago in Berlin, the voters decided about the ouster of XA. During the year the Germans will be parliamentary elections, and it’s hard to Chancellor Merkel saw it in pink.

“Iron” koalicjant CDU, the Bavarian CSU, is considering the possibility of breaking the coalition, as well as putting their candidate for Chancellor of Germany. The reason – not only is the immigration policy of the government of Merkel. CSU, sharply criticized the current koalicjanta and declares officially that they would not support Angela Merkel in the upcoming elections.

Lose the Merkel-Putin’s victory

If the changes on the political scene of Germany harm the party, then who do they serve? Jan Wojcik in the analysis presented in Virtual Poland argues that change in Germany is actually Russia’s triumph, specifically the Pro-Russian approach in German politics. He noted that, following personnel changes in AfD party is, of course, appear Pro-Russian sentiment, and striving to get closer contacts between Germany and Russia. In Germany there are suspicions that the AfD financed from the Moscow pocket, and Center for Strategic Analysis of the called party part of “the Putin international.”

However, the fact that the AfD after the parliamentary elections, will be able to enter the ruling coalition is fragile. However, should reckon with the fact that Alternative for Germany will be put in Parliament of many of its members. On the other hand, the coalition could be SPD, who rule through which as a supporter of Putin Sigmar Gabriel. The conclusion is such that after the elections in 2017. in the German Parliament for more than half of the seats can get into environments proputinowskich. Lose Angeli may simultaneously be a triumph of Vladimir Putin.



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