Saturday, September 3, 2016

TV Visegrad waiting for the decision of the prime ministers of the V4 countries … – Virtual Poland

• TVP along with counterparts from Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia wants to create a new English-language channel called TV or TV V4 Visegrad

 • Arrangements ws. This project may collapse already at the Economic Forum in Krynica – Poland established virtual

 • There will meet the prime ministers of Polish, Czech, Slovakia and Hungary, and the president of TVP Jacek Kurski

 • According to the proposed seat of the station could be Kraków

 • Prof. Mrozowski: the project is risky, because it depends on the political climate between the countries

 • Igor Janke for WP: this could be a place for dialogue between the V4 countries

Working name of English-language news channel, TVP is working on a TV or TV Visegrad V4. Would start broadcasting in 2018.

The design phase as TVP informs us, enters realized this when obtaining a promise to finance the project. – Approx. 10-12 months from this moment we expect to achieve technical readiness. Project is led by Marcin Stefaniak, and the team also includes Mira Suchowiejko and Grzegorz Adamczyk – informs us TVP.

the International

 - The idea that the head channel was located in Poland, does not mean that Polish journalists would dominate. I am convinced that manages to create an international team – journalists, presenters and presenters, commentators, who are descended from Hungarian, Slovak, Polish, and Czech – says Marcin Stefaniak.

At the moment there is no decision as to where the new channel would be established. For now, however, it proposed that it was Krakow. On the other hand, all the conversion work, studio equipment, newsroom have cost – by. estimates TVP – approx. 17-18 million zł. The annual budget? It is to be the subject of arrangements, but Woronicza estimate that it will be 120-130 mln zł.

We need a political decision

 - No decision at the political level can not be run like a TV channel, so we will seek an agreement at the level of prime ministers of V4 – says Wirtualna Polska Marcin Stefaniak. Opportunity to talk at a political level will be Krynica Economic Forum (6-8 September.), Which are expected to hit the prime ministers of the V4 countries. According to the Virtual Polish heads of state – behind closed doors – to talk about the project, a joint television. In Krynica present should also be the president of TVP Jacek Kurski.

He added Stefaniak, the new channel is to provide information about events in Europe and the world, and comment on them from the point of view of the Visegrad Group and the interests of the four countries. – She also has – in the other direction – to inform the world about the events from the Visegrad Group. These tasks it will be the bulk of airtime. A lot of time in the channel network schedule will be devoted to the promotion of Polish, Hungarian, Czech and Slovakia as a country of talented people, great ideas and places to go. This type of content will be accounted for approx. 20 per cent. airtime. The time devoted to individual countries will be equal – for all positions: news, current affairs and image – says HR head of the project.

In his opinion, the project has two pillars: financial independence and – secondly – the equal treatment of states making up the project and righteous influence on the events and the functioning of the channel.

standards for the channel would be BBC World, France 24, Russia’s RT and Al Jazeera.

Mrozowski: the project is risky

 In an interview with Wirtualna Polish project says media expert from the Universities of Warsaw. – First of all, it is a risky project, because it depends on the political climate between the countries and the Visegrad Group crackles. Your constituents have no obvious common interests. If the heads of state to agree and sign a firm contract, it may make sense and will be a kind of escape forward – said prof. Maciej Mrozowski.

He added that the fundamental question is whether people will want to watch it. – Any advantage of the medium is when someone uses it. I find it hard to imagine that the Poles – with its provincialism – interested in what is happening in Hungary or Slovakia or the Czech Republic – he adds. In his opinion, if everything will be broadcast in English, then the project will have no meaning. – This TV will steam whistle. Russian RT has a gigantic budget and is the empire, and with the countries of the Visegrad Group one specifically does not count. Neither Europe nor Germany nor Russia. Suffice website, there is no need to create television – concludes Mrozowski.

Igor Janke: is a project of missionary and political

More positively looks Igor Janke. – I see this project as a missionary and political. It makes sense to build channels of communication to the outside world, through which they passed on information about what is happening in Poland and countries like us. The question, however, whether the television audience will, because in the dimension of purely business I do not think you can monetize. Presenting his own narrative is very much needed, because so far the countries of our region have successfully average. The world still understands little of what is happening in Central Europe. Intelligently and interestingly created television makes sense, certainly should not however deal with the blunt propaganda – says Igor Janke, president of the Institute of Freedom, the author of books including Viktor Orbani and partner at consulting firm Bridge.

He added in an interview with Polish Virtual, “build a common narrative television belonging to the V4 countries is in some cases possible, and not in others, but it certainly will not be easy.”

 - It would not be good if the airtime was firmly divided on the Polish, Czech, Hungarian and Slovak blocks. However, presenting points of view of individual countries would have value, because they would provide an opportunity to build a greater self-awareness in Central Europe and getting to know each other. It could be a place for dialogue between the V4 countries – says Igor Janke.


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