Wednesday, January 13, 2016

European Broadcasting Union threatens to Poland throwing Eurovision – Gazeta Wyborcza

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             Eurovision 2015 - reprezentntka Polish Monika Crossbow & # x144; a rock.

Eurovision 2015 - reprezentntka Polish Monika Kuszyńska. (Kerstin Joensson (AP Photo / Kerstin Joensson))




- If there is a breach of the Statute of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), we will have the Polish problem - the president said Eurovision admitting that the EBU close eye on the changing media in Poland and is concerned about their direction. The organization does not exclude the removal of our country from the competition.


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The case told the British newspaper "Financial Times", styling his article "The dispute over the media law threatens the Polish site in Eurovision". "Polish broadcaster threatens expulsion from the European Broadcasting Union - and further humiliating exclusion from the Eurovision Song Contest - in response to the controversial media law in the country" - writes the daily.

"Financial Times" quoted the President of the EBU Jean-Paul Philippot, who said, that the organization monitors the current situation in Poland related to public radio and television and is concerned about the possibility of dismissal and hiring managers state media by the government, which gives the new law. EBU brings together public media in Europe and is the organizer of the Eurovision Song Contest.

- If there is a breach of the Statute of the European Broadcasting Union, we will have the Polish problem - the Philippot said. He added that ultimately, our country could be excluded from the group of countries - members of the organization. This would mean that Poland will not take part in competitions Eurovision Song Contest, which sees every year 180 million viewers and which are extremely popular in Europe.

"Financial Times": All members of the media will be laid off

"Financial Times" writes that the warning EBU is a response to the new law "ultra-conservative government," which has already led to worsening relations with Brussels. It points out that today the European Commission will discuss, among others, on the measure which "could lead to censorship."

British daily stresses that the second media law, which PiS plans to adopt in the coming weeks, "goes even further than the first," which listed the authorities of public media. "Under the new law, every employee of Polish Television and Polish Radio will be released with three months' notice, and the newly installed board decides who will return to work" - writes "The Financial Times", referring to the Polish Press Agency.

The Journal adds that although the EBU is critical of the new rules, it does not take more concrete steps towards Polish broadcaster. - To be clear - today we have strong public radio and television broadcasters in Poland. Fear about the future: what will happen in the coming days, weeks and months - says the chairman of the EBU.

MEP: Performance Conchita Wurst "violates the principles of traditional Polish family '

It is unclear how the authorities would react to public media option to remove our country from the EBU and Eurovision Song Contest. See Politico notes that the new president of TVP Law and Justice MEP "is not a big fan of the direction in which seeks Eurovision". Victory Conchita Wurst in 2014. Described as an example of "cultural aggression of the West," which "violates the principles of traditional Polish family."

The Eurovision Song Contest has been organized since 1956. And is the longest televised annual competition musical in history. Public broadcaster of each member of the EBU may annually submit to the contest one track representing any musical genre. Poland has been participating in it since 1994. - In the same year Edyta Gorniak took it the highest in the history of Polish second place, the song "That's not me!".

At the beginning of October last year, the board of Polish Television approved participation in this year's Eurovision Song Contest, while Stockholm was to be sent to the contractor, which will choose a song in the internal proceedings committee, composed of experts and music journalists.



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Comments (189)



                                 "In 2014. After defeating Conchita Wurst, Kurskaya not hide his mischief result of the competition, claiming that the performance the singer was 'not to watch' and hit the core values ​​of the Polish family."

    It's all true. The performance of a woman with a beard was a big blow to the Polish family. That's when my father began to drink and pour mother, daughter broke into the gallery and his son took power ups.









                                 "The European Broadcasting Union threatens Poland discarding of Eurovision"

    Great news.








                                 The ejection of the Eurovision may be the only positive result of "good change".









                                 I see that the union reaches final arguments :)
    like this ?? there will be a baby with a beard? how to live?








                                 And very well. Terrible crap this contest.








                                 Artist #dobrazmiana the festival will show the Exchequer, and not some committee.










                                 but Belarus, support democracy, not thrown out, huh?








                                 fears for lachy And so we always have first place from the end let it throw out





 All comments


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