Tuesday, July 28, 2015

NIK critical of the actions of the police. Poor results of exploration … – Television Republic

NIK audit revealed among other things that the police “ignores reports of missing persons”. Some people fail to find, because the search starts too late. In situations where time plays a decisive role, slip in taking action sometimes beyond repair.

Every year, several thousand people considered to be missing in Poland, and in the last three years this number has increased considerably.

From this Because of the Supreme Chamber of Control decided to look at the system of searching for missing persons. The audit covered, among others, how the Police officers shall apply the procedures governing the case of loss of human.

The results of the checks are not satisfactory. According to the Supreme Chamber of Control, the police erroneously missing persons into one of three categories procedures. In nearly half of the police units under the control officers could not give reported on the category appropriate to the circumstances of the disappearance.

“The most repeated mistaken attribution lost to too low category. For example. Missing persons who should be eligible to the first category, indicating a threat to their life or health, were eligible for the second category, which is lower, requiring other, more lenient procedures. This procedure drastically changed to the disadvantage of the missing. These findings are supported by, among others, in the Report ITAKA Foundation, which states that the police showed excessive restraint in giving first category disappearances “- reads.

mg nik.gov.pl, telewizjarepublika.pl


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