Monday, August 10, 2015

Polish National Television? Law and Justice: Media will be no public … – Gazeta Wyborcza











              Barbara Bubula to & # x142; a man & # x142; onkini NBCand that & # x142; and FIG & # x142; cup of PiS, the author of the reform of the media law

Barbara Bubula, former member of the National Broadcasting Council and former Member of the PiS, the author of the reform of the media law (Fig. Michael Łepecki)



Law and Justice has a plan that will replace the authorities in one motion TVP and Polish Radio





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Barbara Bubula, former member of the National Broadcasting Council and former Member of the PiS, is the author – as she says – “fundamental reform”, which was presented in Katowice during the July convention PiS.

The Law and Justice is working on a draft media law which will be ready shortly after the parliamentary elections.

– The choice of our president showed that created their own ways of communicating that enabled this victory. The aim of the wise policy of our political camp should be to strengthen the media awakening. It socialize and zdekolonizować what a period of 25 years has been in the field of media Poles taken – explains Bubula.

– Zdekolonizować? – Asks Krzysztof Luft, a member of the National Broadcasting Council on the recommendation of President Bronislaw Komorowski. – The public media are Polish, not German, Russian or any other.

Public radio and television are state-owned companies. Their authorities are selected in a competition that approves the National Council of Radio and Television. Today, the public media are in the hands of the coalition PO, PSL and SLD. Law and Justice wants these companies to transform the cultural institutions or institutions of higher utilities. This will enable it to replace the authorities TVP and Polish Radio.

Press to manage the presidents derived “from the world of culture authorities and the media”. Who chooses them? – There are different variants – says Jaroslaw Sellin, a former member of the National Broadcasting Council and one of the authors of the new draft law. – Consider to whom these new institutions will be – Minister of Culture and treasure.

The mission of the new public media should be “building a national identity.” Bubula reveals some ideas: there will be a big film productions based on the classics of Polish literature; Every year are expected to emerge at least two historical series “fill blank spots in the historical consciousness of the Polish nation”; in prime time media will help “make up for deficiencies in civic education Poles.”

Sellin speaks of the need for “systemic policies historic”: – It should maintain pride in our past and promote our point of view in dialogue with other nations.

The PiS also wants to remove from the public media “commercial curse” that is shaping the events in the ad. It proposes that “were financed at least 75 per cent. Of public funds”. Bubula speaks of “at least 1 promilu GDP, ie approx. 1.5 billion zł per year,” which “will allow a significant reduction in advertising on TV.”

The radio is financed to 80 percent today. with your subscription. TVP only 30 percent. – Public television financed mainly by advertising is a European precedent.

Luft: – The question of money is fundamental. I wish PiS revealed whether it will implement common audiovisual fee as in most European countries.

Sellin asked about the source of financing “national media” – the budget, subscription fee audiovisual? – Responds cryptically: “The details still talking.”

The Law and Justice claims that the arguments for change provided the presidential campaign, because – as he says Bubula – public media “has thrown all forces to help the incumbent president, and without any moderation and with impunity. “

Bubula is convinced that the NBC television does not punish for it (because” you know, raven raven eye not finish “).

Luft: – Always exploring, how the media reported on the elections, and public media has always been the most objective.

The Law and Justice wants to limit the role of the National Broadcasting Council. Eliminate it can not because it is enshrined in the constitution as the guardian of “freedom of speech, the right to information and the public interest in radio and television.”

What about NBC? – I ask Sellina. – We want to cooperate with the Council, but not with the current – reserves.

The term of office expires in the middle of next year, but you can get rid of it as early as April, when the president, the Sejm and the Senate will reject its annual report.

After winning the elections in 2005. Justice needed nearly a year to take over the public media. He started with media law, immediately pushed it through parliament to print New Year’s Eve 2005/06. The idea was to cancel the old NBC and replace it with a new one, and then select the new boards and new managements TVP and Polish Radio. Sellina ask whether the PiS again jump on the media? – It is unfair assessment. Media suffer from years upartyjnienie and commercialization. You have to heal them.

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Comments (11)


                                 Toruński Pharisee and hierarchs, they will give out cards lic katowizji this madness, nor has any method.







                                 Already orthodox thinking and najsprawiedliwsi stamp their feet to the media again, do your tube propaganda. And people probably again they allow.









                                 Tadeusz R. dad would be an excellent, one-man National Broadcasting Council. Independent even from the center on the street. Of honey. The more than just any constitution.











                                 There is only one true nation and it is the nation PiS.









                                 Barbara Bubula, former member of the National Broadcasting Council and former Member of the PiS, when he is going to sign up for fitness classes and aerobics …? It will be easier to cross.
    That the council can not? Look like crazy in the Parliament …







                                 Hysterical policy in the implementation of the new Ministry of National Carton and Oddities under the direction of Marcin Wolski or Targalskiego? Better not immediately give up TV and radio in the hands of professionals of finance? Director R. father would have bestowed, it has a small audience and a large proceeds of this thing and forwards …









                                 oh given, given, the work of Satan!
    ‘ll have Sharia Catholic.
    I managed to emigrate, so I will not be burned at the stake.
    Dumb Nationals unfortunately did not go to the elections and in October it will not go, because what obchodzi.Lenie them there anything stinking. The future of their country have d … e.No they see what it is capable of holy trinity: Mr. President, Mr. Duda and Rydzyk, assisted by zdewociałych, radical Catholics.
    How stupid you have to be to give yourself the right to pick up independent decisions about their lives. I’m talking about women supporting PiS abortion law, etc .., etc ..,
    old grandfather in dresses they wish I verily authority over human conscience and want to decide whether someone wants to have a baby with in vitro. Complete Szajba them bounced, and mainly on sexual violence. Victims of celibacy, contrary to nature.
    I would have a therapeutic proposal to daily before breakfast held in forced group masturbation, it can and brightens the brains and fewer boys will be victims of sexual harassment.







                                 If I believed in bozi, I pray for mohair handle this mob to power.
    The loser idiots mediocrity and bunglers in the short term embarrass zbolało-katodupny model of patriotism proud of peripherals that can not afford their own resources to build their roads, or industry, not to mention the army, begging for the presence of NATO and the United States, but defiantly capable of popi.erdywać mocarstwowo … tragicomedy “proud negroes” -D









                                 After pisowskim jump on the public media stopped to watch pisowizję and it stuck. But if PiS will introduce a popular events program run by Mr. Macierewicz, serial białoplamowy about how to Our Dearest (5 thous. On equal protection = 1,430 lunches President of The Constant) President Samotrzec with his brother and a cat commune or the overthrow of entertainment “Autodafé” in which viewers smsami choose who among the candidates (lefties, invitrowców, gay, cyclists, Masons, unmarried or someone there at the moment PiS will announce enemy of the people pisowskiego) will burn in the episode on a nice, warm stack, it flips. Such a culture “high-end” simply not to be missed





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