In Warsaw ended the official part of the festivities associated with the celebration of the Polish Army. – Thank you for the service of the homeland, we are all very proud of you. They look at you, the young generation of Poles who will continue carrying the pride of Polish weapons – said during the ceremony the president Andrzej Duda, turning to all Polish soldiers.
In Warsaw end the official part of the festivities associated with the celebration of the Polish Army, but on the Royal still ongoing military parade.
For President Andrew Duda was the first celebration of the Polish Army in the role of head of the army RP .
Tradition military parade restored nine years ago St. President Lech Kaczynski. This custom continued during his tenure the former president Bronislaw Komorowski.
The parade passes Ujazdowskie Avenue and the street Belwederska
After the singing of songs Representative of the Polish Army, launched a military parade.
– Thank you for the service of the homeland, we are all very proud of you. They look at you, the young generation of Poles who will continue carrying the pride of Polish weapons – said Andrzej Duda, during a speech in front of the Belvedere.
The Polish Army Day, President stressed that he will do everything to the soldiers and their loved ones They do not have to worry about their existence. – I will do everything necessary for you and your family had a feeling that the Homeland so loves you as you love her – said Duda. Read more
Ujazdowskie Avenue final preparations for the military parade.
Andrzej Duda received a report from the Chief of General Staff at the Three Crosses Square and then headed to the Belvedere, where he will speak.
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