Sunday, March 15, 2015

Russian version of the war with Urkainą. State TV presents … –

State television Rossiya 1 issued a video documentary “Crimea. Road to the homeland, “in which Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the United States on the grounds that they were” real state coup makers “in Ukraine.

As announced a few days, the document – Putin said that Americans’ help in training nationalists combat troops. ” He added that “the training took place in western Ukraine, Poland and partly in Lithuania”.

How acted our partners? Favored making upheaval state, ie. They began to work with a position of strength “

– he said. In the Far East of the Russian Federation due to the time difference has been shown in the image. In the European part of Russia, including Moscow, will be presented in the evening. Quotes Putin for Rossiya 1 reported a video on its website after the issuance of the Far East.

Putin presents its own vision of the war with Ukraine and reveals the reasons why he decided to annexation Crimean peninsula. It also tells about a special operation aimed at the deportation of ousted President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych of Donetsk in the east of the country, where he hid after fleeing from Kiev on 22 February.

Putin admitted that he ordered the take-up to join Crimea to Russia before the referendum on the independence of the peninsula, just a few hours after the removal from power of Yanukovych.

We were prepared to draw him (Yanukovych) straight from Donetsk – by land, sea and air. It was a night of 22 on February 23, finished at seven in the morning. When we parted, I told all my colleagues: we need to start working on the back of Crimea part of Russia

– said the Russian president.

Putin revealed that when he met with high senior officials responsible for the security of the country and discussed with them the plans of salvation Yanukovych.

invited to the Kremlin heads of our special services, Ministry of Defence, the task set before them save the life of the President of Ukraine, because that it just killed

– reported.

The Russian President said that in a telephone conversation with Yanukovych discouraged evening February 21 Ukrainian President lowering the capital, but he decided otherwise – has decided to exit from Kiev and withdrawal of all security forces from there. Putin recalled that after the opposition stormed the Presidential Administration and the seat of government.

Putin reported that after leaving Kiev Yanukovych went to Kharkov and Donetsk, where 22 February phoned him, asking for a meeting . The Russian president suggested that met in Rostov-on-Don, in southern Russia; But soon Yanukovych called security officer, saying that they can not fly.

(He) went to the Crimea Yanukovych. When I was shown the map of his route, it became clear that he would soon fall into the trap. According to our data, there were machine guns set wielkokalibrowe so long to negotiate

– Putin said, adding that he sent a helicopter to help with the Spetsnaz.

The search for the column (Yanukovych) took about 1.5 hours. At some point it became clear that the helicopter runs out of fuel and that will have to return to base. Then suddenly the crew spotted a flash of light – in cars Yanukovych also included a long light to show you where they are. Our pilots noticed and took him away

– told the Russian president.

Putin stressed that “this story is not over, as Viktor Fedorovich did not want to move to Russia and immediately asked him to pass it to the Crimea “.

I went to the Crimea. Thus, even for a few days, when the events surrounding the revolution progressed, he was on the territory of Ukraine. After a few days, when it became clear that in Kiev there is no one to talk to, he asked, depositing it on the territory of Russia

– he said.

Speaking of the same incorporation Crimea, Putin stressed that the ‘separation of Crimea “after thought” national revolution “in Ukraine.

We could not leave the territory and the people living there to their fate, throw the roller of nationalism. I have set specific tasks, I said, what and how we were doing. Immediately warned that we will only do this if we are absolutely convinced that they want the people living in the Crimea

– pointed out.

The President said that the most important goal Russia in the Crimea was to prevent bloodshed, and taking into account the ethnic structure of the population, the situation – in his opinion – could be worse than in the events on the Maidan Kiev and Odessa.

Once saw an eruption of extreme nationalism (in Kiev), it understood that for people living in the Crimea may come hard times. And only then – what I want to emphasize – occurred to the idea that we can not leave people in disguise

– he said.

Putin has pointed out that “before taken action to took place in Kiev on February 22, it was necessary to consider their consequences for the whole country. ”

People who are inclined to such a way of solving political problems easily fall over all of the legs on the head. With the vital interests of their partners to be reckoned with if we want to, reference was made to us with respect

– he said.

The host Kremlin also noted that Sevastopol was always Russia “city of glory soldier.”

As a result of the referendum, deemed illegal by the Kiev and the international community, Russia annexed in March 2014 years belonging to the Ukrainian Crimean peninsula. Moscow long denied that its soldiers participated in the incorporation of the Crimea. When it finally admitted that identified them as “polite people” who rushed to the aid of the peninsula in the face of threats from the “fascists” in Kiev.

READ YES THAT: The annexation of the Crimea, and escape from the point of view of Yanukovych Putin. “I told deploy machine guns to avoid unnecessary discussion”

PAP / mall


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