Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Russian TV is spreading slanderous propaganda – fakt.pl

Keywords: Adolf Hitler, Putin, Russia, Ukraine, new money, propaganda, Ukrainian money, the war in Ukraine
 Adolf Hitler


According to Russian television Hitler’s image will appear on the new Ukrainian banknotes

The wind blew Russian television horror. According to the channel “Rossiya-1″, Ukraine is preparing a draft of a new banknote of 1000 hryvnia, and the money appears likeness of Adolf Hitler. Ukrainian Internet users reported immediately laughed at the Moscow station.

In the material – let’s call it by name, propaganda – aired on Russian TV channel “Rossiya-1″ is shown alleged image of the new Ukrainian banknotes bearing the profile of Adolf Hitler. According to Russian journalists as a model of money equivalent to the party, “Freedom”, which is headed by Oleh Tyahnybok Ukrainian politician. According to the Russian station, the design of new money “reflects the value of the new Ukrainian elite.”

The revelations Russian TV Ukrainian netizens reacted immediately, ridiculing the revelations given by the news channel. – We need more images of banknotes from Bormann, Goering, Mueller, Stirlitz and Obama. Believe anything – wrote in a fit of rage understandable one.

According to belsat.eu service, this is not the first time that the Russian media reported so brazenly crafted false information in their messages about events in Ukraine. Previously reported, inter alia, by the Ukrainian boy crucified “criminal branches.”


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