The electronic media have long ago turned away fans. In return for emotions on the screen change the sport, though not always for the better.
Famous astrophysicist Carl Sagan once said that the first signal that could leave Earth and find their way to other civilizations in the universe, the TV signal was produced in August 1936 Adolf Hitler during a speech opening the Olympics in Berlin.
In this statement there was a lot of irony, but the facts roughly a match – in the German capital to 19 receivers connected by cable the transmitter has been Chancellor of the Reich speech, and then fragments of competitions at the Olympic Stadium.
Then it was propaganda, but in May 1939 in America the message of a baseball game between the teams Columbia University and Princeton University have features of a regular transmission. Although the whole great country was only 400 cameras enable reception of this hazy image, but the goal was the same as you should – show sport.
Remember that the camera (only) directed change to the pitcher and catcher tried unsuccessfully to catch a ball lens, but nobody was discouraged. The sample was taken, it is worth remembering, then-NBC radio station, boldly exploring new ways of transmission.
color with a repeat
Customer Milestones Development television sports relatively easily. Almost always they were also milestones for television in general.
The color appeared on the screens of receivers in August 1955 year. This honor fell meczowi debut ATP tennis, specifically meeting of the US – Australia New York – finałowi matches of the Davis Cup (Australians Ken Rosewall and Lew Hoad won on the grass Forest Hills 5: 0).
The sports action replays also began to show in 1955, was conceived by Canadian George Retzlaff working for the CBC. The beginnings were obviously difficult – just to prepare for re-action show lasted at least half a minute, so were able to play some goals or touchdowns.
With the invention of video players matter, at least in America, it has become much easier in 1963. “instant replay” was already known there in broadcast CBS. The first event, in which replay was available almost on demand, has become an annual match of football between military teams ground forces and US Navy (Army – Navy).
Shortly after replays in television broadcasts of sports events appeared images in slow motion. The introduction of slow-motion technology thanks to the company Ampex Corporation, which already in 1956, she helped ABC to play the event with pitches up to seven times slower than happening in reality. Even then, it became possible to also control the rate playback and freeze-frame.
The combination of repetition dismissal motion – kindergarten sports day television coverage – had to take place soon, and there was.
The Thin Green Line
The next major step is putting graphics on the TV screens. At the beginning, in the 60s, it seemed to be a problem. And solutions were rather less sophisticated – just in front of the camera lens erected results tab or information. Technological progress made in the early ’70s appeared on the screens of letters and numbers displayed by simple generators characters. Soon could live administered Match statistics even if the information came from archaic data storage devices. Today, as you know, the screens you see computer-generated numbers, photos, biographies, statistics and graphs, for which fans imagination sometimes not even dream of.
To deprive him, but imported by to the smallest possible size information in the corner of the screen – with the result and during the game and a few other details, depending on the discipline – no way. Deprive emotions television space control the ball fall in tennis, volleyball, cricket or rugby – unless it is not.
An important stage in the development of sports television images became available for spectators in the stands. Carry, needed or not, additional information graphic explaining the details of the competition. A yellow dot showing the movement of the puck during the NHL game is an invention of 1996. The thin green line in ski jumping was introduced in 2012. – Although now trying to also display it on a real landing. Fashion recent years is showing locations bounce tennis balls on the court and track flights balls on websites. A little before cameras were taught to follow the flight path of a golf ball against the sky. In American football television standard (since 1998.) Is showing a line designating a place transfer of possession, continuous attack and many similar information.
The same way – combining computer graphics with a message Live – you can also provide intensive advertising message, almost without disturbing watching the game. Suffice appropriate images in the background. This was the final stage of this technological evolution.
The Empire grew quickly. The advantages of television for sports have become so large that in September, 1979. American ESPN concluded that should run all day channel devoted exclusively to sport. The market was ready – a large, receptive, giving the win.
ESPN followed by others, today many sports channels, more or less specialized in many countries television everyday. A step further was to give fans a choice – in 1994. Fans of American football got a chance to decide which Sunday’s match NFL wants to see in DirectTV, regardless of whether the transmission did FOX, CBS, NBC or ESPN.
And again – initially it was a toy for the most affluent, but the development of cable and satellite television has made fast selection of the mass and relatively cheap. Today you can choose between disciplines, stations, teams, matches, because the signal from the satellite reaches everywhere. You can also watch live according to their timetable, even without advertising, the choice ultimately belongs to who pays.
Yet another technological breakthrough TV should be connected with sport – the introduction of technology HD (and the next, even better methods for imaging). The idea has its roots in the 30s, but only in the early twenty-first century was that it should take this step. A football match on a big home screen where the viewer sees every blade of grass, a drop of sweat, curvature of an action hero, even more fans joined the event.
catch up with this list more widespread Internet broadcasts, television in the cell, on your tablet, on your computer screen – is the idea of the beginning of this century. The pioneers were also big league in the US, where new transmission channels provide additional hundreds of thousands of recipients and facilitate monetize their broadcasts on demand. We join the increasingly widespread transmission in three-dimensional technology (beginnings were in 2008.), Who also makes his own, when it comes to the wealth of experience, but it is still too expensive.
Direction profit
These were the tools the TV conquered the world of sport. The basic result of this conquest is the first huge increase in the number of people watching a sporting event, then an even bigger increase in the money.
The new means of telling stories Sports TV very quickly saw how you can make money . The business model of earning a sport on TV was for years a fairly simple and long remained constant: television sporting event organizers pay for the broadcast rights, and willing sells advertising time. In practice, almost tv stations played the role of a broker, connecting sellers disciplines (league games, world championship, tournament series, the World Cup) with buyers (advertisers) and consumers, which supporters. Direction profit – this one did not hide, it was business like any other.
But coming new: some TV now can afford to create their own, large and small sporting events where they can earn. It is also sign of the times: only television invention are eg. The Olympics of extreme sports X-Games, games strongmenów, rivalry celebrities, pseudogladiatorów and other events, sometimes very distant from classic Olympic sport.
Something new also because the recipients on the Internet is other fans, where you can offer a brand new personalized services offered by technology, including betting bookmakers.
Billions every year
The money we are behind the sports television business, are actually huge. NBC for the broadcast rights to the summer and winter Olympics for the US market and online by 2032. Including paid last year, the International Olympic Committee 7.65 billion.
Heads station They argue that the business of the Olympic basically make (to broadcast from London in 2012. – 223 million dollars.), but after Sochi were in the black. The average price paid by NBC for the Olympics 2012. Amounted to 880 million dollars. Now it will be 1.275 billion.
Is the station excessively risk, even if you do not know where will be held Olympic Games after 2020.? Probably not, because the possible decrease in regular TV viewing may be significantly offset by income from network activity.
It’s hard to say that these amounts affected by an inflationary factor, especially since the 2011. The same station was able to withstand an increase in fees for the broadcast rights to the most important games of American football, that is the NFL, with 74 per cent., for 1.05 billion dollars. per year.
NBC is a giant, but the market is much larger. ESPN bought in 2014. Monday’s NFL package for 14-15 billion. for seven years, out almost 2 billion a year transmission. Its share of the cake also has Fox – $ 1.1 billion. for selected games the NFL and the NFC by 2021. The business is also CBS, with the last contract: $ 1 billion. per year for a package of NFL / AFC (previous contract was about half that).
In Europe, the leader is Skysport station, which agreed to pay the Premier League £ 760 million a year for relationships 2016 matches. Incidentally, the British league for America is worth tens of times less – NBC for the same pay 83 million dollars. per year.
Huge amounts also circulate in the American basketball – transmission competitions University (NCAA) cost and will cost CBS / Turner 740 million. per year (10.8 billion dollars. to 2024.). As a result, the game was expanded to 68 teams (there were 64), there are plans to have a new option – 96 teams.
Even though the NBA is looking at the NCAA with admiration – from 2007 to 2016 . celebrity league will get from the Walt Disney Company (ie ESPN and ABC) at 485 million dollars. per year. There is still a contract with Turner (445 million USD. Per year since 2008.). Professional Baseball (MLB) in the United States has an agreement with the Fox station by the end of 2021., The cost – $ 500 million. per year. With an overseas koszykarzach and baseballistach NHL hockey players are poor – “only” $ 200 million. Per year (NBC) since 2012. NHL lost a lot on lokaucie in 2004-2005, but after a decade it could be argued that the price recovered.
The European market does not stand comparison with the US, especially since most impressive in recent years contract – the broadcast rights to the Olympics for most European countries in the years 2018-2024 bought the US company Discovery, present including the owner of Eurosport. The contract value – 1.3 billion euros. It concerns the exclusive broadcasting rights on all platforms – from open channels on pay TV, internet and mobile – to 50 countries, Polish as well.
With such amounts that generates the television market, questions about the relationship of sport from station owners are obvious. Reply that many disciplines TV shaped in a new form, even created, it is no exaggeration.
Analysts sport give five main reasons for changes in the rules in today’s commercial sports: tachycardia, increased scoring (gaining greater number of goals, baskets, touchdowns, etc.), ensuring a balanced outcome to sustain the tension, the possibility of introducing commercial breaks. How many of these changes thanks to television – easy to see.
This influence can be seen from the big professional leagues in America after a popular individual sports, from archery trochlear after curling. Where to look, there I see: golf changed the format of most professional tournaments from matchplay to strokeplay. In other words, the system was replaced Cup elimination rounds counting points because it provides greater certainty share of celebrities in the decisive phases of the game, when viewership is highest.
Tennis introduced in the 70s. tie-break to end the transmission of long toil of games played on the edge. Before the era of television tennis balls were white (bright yellow, easier to trace on the screen, appeared in 1972. Only Wimbledon stand with white until 1986.). An attempt was also with orange.
The color screens has led not only to the use of colored balls, but caused a change of pitches (taken even, fortunately unsuccessful attempts to paint the ice blue in competition hockey). Color contributed to the exposure of ads.
The presence of cameras in every corner of the stadium caused by the way strong social effect – individual and collective desire demonstration of personality, originality, belonging to a group, identify – who’s watching matches and stands soccer world championship in any discipline, but also even our World Cup ski jumping in Zakopane, or running disguises a marathon, this sees that exposure malunków face, strange hairstyles, banners, flags, unusual gestures and behaviors that norm rather than the exception.
byproduct of sports broadcasting connection with the advertising message is even present the concept of the use of cheerleading – it is also a television product today. Once it was simply an organized doping, something like a theater lint that has been, today we have shows for people in the stands, mainly in order to not complain that we really waiting till the end of your ads.
Time is money
Television also ruled time. In the version of the Olympic case it is the most obvious – the owners of the broadcasting rights in practice arranged the program starts in the most popular disciplines. The requirements are clear – the difference in time zones must not interfere to the example. US people viewed gymnastics and swimming at a convenient time. It’s that athletes compete at odd hours sometimes difficult to reconcile the interests of viewers on different continents, is a side effect, wins and so whoever pays the most.
Thanks to television, or rather it disappeared from the vocabulary of many sports the word “weekend” – as the most natural time to competition. Today, league football, hockey, volleyball, baseball, rugby, basketball play almost around the clock, though not difficult to see that the best airtime, Saturday and Sundays usually gives the most attractive events.
Time is money – in sports broadcasts really hard for other gear. In the NFL, first reduced the length of the break in the middle to reduce the match to 2.5 hours, but television has forced a number of other short breaks for ads, which meant that the relationship lengthened to 3.5 hours.
Learning from how time is important in sports television, he came a long time ago. A well-known and often cited example is the match of the NFL in November 1968. When NBC broke off relations with meeting the Oakland Raiders – New York Jets for 65 seconds before the end to about estimated time to start children’s film “Heidi”. The Jets led then 32: 29, but the Raiders after two przyłożeniach in 9 seconds odrobili loss, they won 43:32. Furious to fans, the organizers, the viewers, “Heidi” because the station the most poignant scene in the film suddenly has made watching the bar with the final result of the match.
Changing the rules of the game is a television natural order of things. Who wants to show, must adapt. Volleyball version of indoor and beach undergone substantial adjustments to the pace of the game and technical interruptions adjust to the pace desired by the TV stations. Appearance players also made every requirements. Basketball with their breaks and quarts also fits well with the schemes TV.
From the American point of view, only soccer, or European football, is death – still twice after 45 minutes without the way to a peaceful exit for tea, no time on-demand and electronic check whether a goal (for now).
Television really increasingly divided sports for those that are suitable on the screen, and others. The criteria may be different, but you have to start by saying – good stuff sell better and take better shelf. Olympic, with all the claims, probably yet to come a couple of greasy decades. Big league American global cycles of golf, tennis, the top league soccer world championships in the Olympic disciplines of basic, big fight boxers as well.
About what we see on the screen. also decides TV. As he wants, it will show marathons, because it is the fashion for massive running, fighting in cages, because people like the blood will show snooker, biathlon, rugby or university football game, even global league cricket.
It may deprive the chance of watching the gliders, orienteers, table tennis, speedway, even athletes or ice skating – discretion, although well aware that contracts for television for many disciplines it drip necessary for survival.
When buying exclusive rights for Rugby League TV station Sky changed the sport from winter to summer, it created the Super League and told all the clubs to get rid of the name of geographical references that make it easier to create consistent with the business plan product marketing.
Right time, right of the screen
Television governed and will govern the sport, even if sometimes manipulates, creates a false star or distorts reality, if you deliberately control our emotions.
Bob Costas, a veteran commentator for NBC Sports, said once without too much cynicism – I remember a lot of very dramatic events of modern sport, but more and more difficult to me to separate the true from those arranged by people on TV.
It may even be that the most real are arranged. Sure, millions of people passionate character of Muhammad Ali lighting a trembling hand the Olympic torch in Atlanta. Was once asked Dick Ebersol, head of NBC Sports, which had broadcast rights to the Olympics if he had anything to do with choice ailing boxing legends to fulfill this task.
– I had it all – he said. – For half a year I tried to sell this idea to the Organising Committee in Atlanta. They do not understand the impact of Ali’s charisma to the world. They did not realize that is a figure for our generation, which can become a symbol. Finally, when the head of the organizing committee, Billy Payne had an operation, ordered to collect a few documents about Ali and showed him what is important. When Payne saw the tape, he called me and said that we need to talk with the former Atlanta Mayor Andy Young. He added that the key word to convince the mayor is “healing relationship” – between white and black, pacifists and activists, the West and the Third World – he recalled.
A view of former boxing champion coming the Olympic torch slowly up the stairs to the torch stopped millions of people breath. Television and sport once again created his own world.
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