Friday, October 16, 2015

So will one day look like television in Poland. Others already have – Antyweb

The idea of ​​interactive TV programs, watching in the so-called. The multiscreen is not new. Some aspects of it are really old. But the process is still evolving, and we will see another interesting views of projects of this type. One of them is Applicaster. The startup creates something that sooner or later will settle in our homes, in our daily lives. And if you do not provide that they will do this other company, because the bite will be tempted.

Applicaster is one of the startups that I met in Israel (we are here at the invitation of T-Mobile and learn how Israel invests the money in the parent company, namely Deutsche Telekom). Startup probably the most interesting. At least for the average eater of bread, as I am. Companies operating within the network security or the human brain create needed, sometimes even fascinating stuff, but it’s hard to explain to them what it is, if someone is sitting in the topic. The action Applicaster comprehend each. What is going on? I would recommend viewing two films, they explain a lot.

Even today you can download apps developed for specific programs or watch them on the TV screen while tracking the events that serve content creators in social media. The above example is a step in a new direction. The viewer is even more drawn by the program. If the hero of the series or reality show will be posted to him, sending pictures or videos during the week, the viewer may for good fall into the world of the program. On the one hand fascinating, on the other scary. Me what the truth is closer to the second assessment, but I appreciate the idea and I in him money. Greater interaction is a greater chance of profits, a way to attract additional sponsors, earning not only for the spectacle.

Television repeatedly had already been buried with the dead through new media, with us as there were entries in this spirit. And television without changes probably would have involved. But with new solutions, projects similar to those shown, it can function long without fear of the future. At least not panic. People do not disappear with couches and further’ll be staring at the TV screen. Yes, their attention is focused on a smaller screen tablet or smartphone, but it is for the benefit of television. When a man starts to realize what other things you can do about it, then nods and find that the potential is considerable.

One might say that romances shown as an example in the first film did not see it, but it must be emphasized that it is not only about romance novels. It could be sports, children’s programs, news content, movies, sitcoms … Everything. After the second example is crowdfundingowe show, in which people decide who and how many will get the money. I suspect that oglądałbym this program – I’d like to know what people came and … what pleased the audience. It can not therefore conclude that this service only for less demanding audience – the product is flexible, the creator is cheap to prepare something higher flight.

Applicaster is a company, which employs 60 people. Office was located in Tel Aviv, but a group of foreigners is large. One of the reasons is the desire to ethnic diversification into new markets – easier to do when you have a team, “lokalsa”. Functioning since 2009, first product was a little complicated and related to video delivery, now she entered a higher level. It offer a complete service, which are the analyst, tailored to the needs ideas and tools to implement the project in life. Eager for more on this topic can read on the company’s website. I admit that I am curious as to when and to what extent a player enters into Polish. For now, it was not out of the question. But if they do not, the market will take care of the competition. Rather there will be a vacuum, and the Poles quickly probably fall into this multiscreenowy vortex.


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