Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The prosecution revealed transcripts from the tower of Smolensk and Yak-40 – Television Republic

Chief Prosecutor Wax announced that tomorrow will be revealed transcripts of recordings from the tower of the provisions of the Smolensk airport and the recording of the Yak-40, landed in Smolensk before the crash of the Tu-154.

– The Attorney referent investigation into the Smolensk plane crash took the decision to publish the transcripts, which are an inherent part of the opinion fonoskopijnych. There are two opinions of the Institute of Forensic Research in Krakow, one relates to the job of the flight control Smolensk airport, and the second Polish Yak-40 – Major Martin Maksjan of the Chief Military Prosecutor’s Office.

He added that the first of these transcripts – referring to the flight control group – has 279 pages, and the second, for the Yak-40 – 64 pages

– Statements in English and Russian languages ​​have translated into Polish by an expert – Major Maksjan said.

Reviews phonoscopic on transcripts from the tower of the Smolensk airport and the recording of the Yak-40, which landed in Smolensk shortly before the crash of the Tu-154M, Military Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw received a week ago. These two opinions phonoscopic are important both in the investigation of the Smolensk disaster, as well as run separately from March 2011. By the military prosecutor’s office proceedings concerning landing Yak-40 with several passengers – including journalists who had operated the ceremony in Katyn.

The key witness statements

Since the beginning of the investigation into the crash of the Military Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw examines the issue concerning the activities of air traffic controllers Smolensk airport. In February of 2011. PSF assessed as “key” testimony of four witnesses from the control tower in Smolensk, Russia questioned then with Polish investigators. Published in the summer of 2011. George Miller’s committee report, describing the causes of the disaster, assessing the work of air traffic controllers from Smolensk, pointed to the lack of independence, avoidance of accountability, lack of a decision to close the airport due to bad weather and errors in precision guiding the Tu-154.

In contrast, the Yak-40 landed several tens of minutes before the crash of the Tu-154M, and at the time of his landing conditions at the airport were already very difficult.

The controller allowed the descent?

The late Remigiusz Mus, a former flight engineer Yak-40, maintained that the tower controller at Smolensk presidential plane allowed the crew to descend to a height of 50 m. However, the head of the Smolensk by the Prime Minister Maciej Lasek said at the end of 2012. that the analysis of recordings does not support the version of the Tu-154M bringing to a height of 50 meters.

The investigation into the landing Yak-40 was initiated after informing the commander of the Air Force. The prosecution even in the early 2013. Reported that after receiving the opinion of ws. Recordings of Yak-40 will be planned further proceedings in this case.

The experts during their many months of work on the opinions and analyzed the first recording stenogramami from the tower. NPW explained that the test sequence due to the fact that in order to accurately determine the duration of a speech recorded on the DVR Yak-40, it was necessary to restore previous statements from the tower of the airport in Smolensk. What Recorder-40 save only calls made over the radio.

Black Box

So far, the military prosecutor’s office – in January 2012. – Revealed findings and posted on the website of opinion on the transcript of the recording of Tu-154M aircraft cockpit. Opinion and transcript of the “black box” of the Tu-154M also prepared Cracow Institute of Forensic Research.

– The analysis reviews the Cracow Institute shows that the experts have not identified parts of speech recorded on the recording. The reason for this is the relatively low quality of video evidence – admitted the prosecutor’s office.

Therefore, in February last year, military prosecutors and experts have made in Russia re-copy recordings from the cockpit. The experts hope that by using the new methodology and equipment will be made effective listening this record. These efforts will be included in a comprehensive study on the tragic flight of April 10, 2010., Which is preparing for the prosecutor’s office in the summer of 2011. Team of experts.

mc pap, telewizjarepublika.pl


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