Friday, October 21, 2016

Spanish satellite sharply on kibolach Legion: Idiots without a brain [VIDEO] –

see you in the vicinity of the “Santiago Bernabeu” there were collisions of fans “Legia” with the local police. Several people were injured and service detained the most aggressive hooligans. You will now be brought before a local court, but the Spanish media still do not stop the repercussions of these events. One of the TV channels produced a dramatic report from the riots, in which Polish fans called “idiots without a brain”.

- These pictures are terrible, very disturbing. It was ultrasi impossible to tame. Idiots without a brain. The police surrounded. Surrounded by Spanish police by ultras from Poland. Attacked from behind. It was an ambush. Police say this is the worst football brawl you will find all what you saw. Why is it the worst? Because it is not afraid of anything. Attack, intimidate, go for all and against all, – says a leading one of the Spanish channels.

On the street Rafael Salgado, close to Santiagio Bernabeu”, four policemen began to fight with fans, in which they were surrounded. Two policemen lying in the street. Service uniform trying to stop a fight, but the situation is critical. The wounded officer colleagues help to remove his helmet, the blood. In the distance you see your father holding a child. Boy crying, he’s scared. Fans got their goal you can hear further into the material.


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