Saturday, October 29, 2016

Polish television in the audit submitted four reports to the Prosecutor –

Jacek Station has promised to spend audit of activity of the company in January of this year, immediately after taking the post of Chairman of the Polish Television.

during questioning before the Council of the media National Jacek Station explained that he had to cope with the “catastrophic state of the finances of TVP”, which is due to smaller shocks abonamentowymi. As stated, the budget for 2016, remaining from the previous Chairman Janusz Daszczyńskiego was “fake”. As he explains, Daszczyński not taken into account in the budget of the legal changes and adjustments to effect the subscription in June of last year. Predecessor Kurskiego denied the allegations.

His line of defense is this: transferring the duties of the President, he said, because of the amendments to the law on VAT revenues with subscription radio and television. But if you know about the new regulation of the law on VAT, which implies a much higher prewspółczynnik the absence of the right to deduction of VAT, that is, in practice, the new tax expenditure funded by subscriptions (effective 4 percent, and now 32 per cent.), it’s all the more should this change be considered in the budget for 2016. The above tax is an additional 70 million rubles, which, niewykazane in the budget Janusz Daszczyńskiego, now we have to pay, explains in an interview with the portal Jacek Station.

in addition, the TVP President explains to the portal that came to TVP in many places there are “layouts” and “pathology”. As an example, indicates acceptance of the predecessors of proposals packet data to the script and staging programs. – TVP instead of purchasing the rights to the format or scenario, and then to organize their production, bought the package: the script, plus production. As a result, despite the financing of the production and the placing programme, the TV channel TVP and a huge promotion – we are doomed to a good mood and the conditions for the manufacturer, which is popular format can switch to competitors, emphasizes the Station.

- cable has filed four reports to the Prosecutor in the most extreme cases. Kind of already adopted sanctions against its predecessors is the decision of the Minister of Finance and the General meeting of shareholders on nieudzieleniu discharge prezesom Januszowi Daszczyńskiemu and Juliuszowi Braunowi – explains the portal the Chairman of the Polish Television.

Author: lb

more details: cable Poland, the audit of TVP, reports the Prosecutor’s office, Jacek Station


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