Friday, May 6, 2016

Public television versus CODE. The row with the invitation … – Gazeta Wyborcza

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                          Matthew Kiev

Matthew Kiev (Fig. John Rusek / Agencja Gazeta)



- This operation is treated as an attempt to interfere CODE in the structure of the programs implemented by the Television Information Agency, as an attempt to influence the freedom of the media in shaping its own program as well as an attempt to manipulate our message - TAI writes in a statement. As for yesterday's fuss about the participation of Matthew Kiev in the "Tonight" in TVP Info.





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On Thursday to the "Tonight" BBC invited chief CODE Matthew Kiev. He was talking about the established of the day with most of the opposition parties of the coalition Freedom, Equality, Democracy. - Initially, our representative was invited as the only guest of the program. Pre-established, it will be Matthew Kiev. Then it turned out that it will be but the other guy - "one of the brothers Karnowskich." Zaprotestowaliśmy against violations of the findings. CODE agreed, however, to participate in the program and a representative for an interview in the company of the other guy, which ultimately proved to Marian Kowalski - CODE wrote in a statement last night. - We have stipulated, however, that will not be a reason for private and family affairs Matthew Kiev, but another representative CODE Jaroslaw Marciniak. Jarka the studio was not allowed, arguing that the invitation was only for Matthew Kiev - said in a statement. According to the Code to the Committee itself should decide who and which program will represent them.

Another view is shared by TAI.

- Television Information Agency to the current affairs "Tonight" always invites a specific person, and not any party representatives, associations and editorial - writes TAI. - An hour before the program Mr. Matthew Kyiv changed his mind. Activists CODE recognize that they have the right to delegate the program a person other than invited. When CODE met with a refusal to impose, TVP implementation scenario, immediately launched against us slanderous media campaign - said in a statement to the Agency. At the end of the publisher of "Tonight" reports that Kiev has confirmed participation in the BBC on Friday.

The whole matter also commented Jaroslaw Marciniak from the board CODE, who had to go to the "Tonight" in place of Kiev. - That we have new standards for Public Television that if things do not go their way, it does not allow for honest, genuine dialogue. Too bad - Marciniak said in the film from the headquarters of TVP. Then he threw on Facebook photos of Marian Kowalski getting out of the car with the logo TVP Lublin license plates. - As it turned out, to me, a representative of the movement acting under the banner of Liberty, Equality, Democracy, was not allowed to graduate. In contrast, a man who uses fascist slogans, it is transported by car from Lublin TVP - commented Marciniak.




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Comments (130)


                                 and for the tube propaganda we have to pay 15 zł.TO CORRUPTION and theft !!!!







                                 Away from the tv pis (especially lowercase}







                                 I think that claim to TVP here are not justified and are evidence only of a fanatical blindness ideological commentators. Editorial program is not invited, "someone, anyone with CODE-u", only a specific person - Matthew Kiev, which is the face CODE! ... As for Mr. Smith, this guy-a surprise, it's not really understand the outrage because of this. Did the essence of democracy is not open exchange of different ideas and views in a public forum? It seemed that who like who, but Defense Committee DEMOCRACY should understand this and not be afraid to confront similar! ... And this whole resulting sulking, picture yourself in the sense of some offended "dignity" is ridiculous childishness, which should remain the domain small punks likes of fellow Kaczynski and his hordes snotty "True Poles-Catholics" of the Political Bureau of Justice ...








                                 The thing is quite simple. PiS wants to trace Orban to strengthen in Poland nazioli be able to pass as a "center." You know the conversation with one hand, "extreme" and CODE naziole and in the middle of the "compromise" PiS. Almost like a discussion on abortion. An extreme view will be showcased as a compromise and moderation ...







                                 the CODE win !!!!!!!!!!!!







                                 It starts out as a Hitler

    CODE laments: May 3 were blocked by "uniformed youth 'standing in a double row. "It was a shock." They complain to the governor







                                 I have found here in someone determine kur..wizja.
    can not very elegant, but extremely accurate. So
    - to Matthew - do not show up there,
    - to us - not
    watch !!!!!







                                 What's so strange, after all, a public TV in regulating lie.
    Not watch tv 1.2







                                 These hejty and trolls mean that CODE and all of the associated pose a serious problem that should be spit and insult. Remember what she did with Solidarity Party. PiS draws from these designs.





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