Monday, June 27, 2016

You are in Play? You can watch TV for free – Spider’s Web

I woke up in Europe and the United States, a monster. There is no name, is made up of many things and has a long history, but it works, we see more and more, the most recent incidents of hate against Poles immigrant in Britain.

This “Angielski men” beat father and son, the Poles, the Polish immigrants get news about it, to return to Polish, some scum. Brexit, Donald Trump is the only elements that wywlekły monster daylight, allowed him to operate openly. A monster that never should be awakened.

A year ago, I spoke with a friend from childhood, who lives in the UK today. A few months before unleashing a media fuss about the refugees tried to explain to me why the Muslims (used different terms) have no place in Europe, they should not come to the UK, that is another wild culture that sit on welfare. – Immigrants won – he said.
I know – it’s just an anecdote, but I think shows the wider Polish economic migrants who do not see themselves as immigrants. In the end, the color of the skin are the same as natives, they can travel to the UK without visas and passports, and come from the same civilization.

The reluctance or even hatred of immigrants, fueled by policy distraction from the bigger issues, amending economic situation, built on years of reluctance and lack of confidence in the facts and experts, grew over the years. In secret, in shame and not in the mainstream.

However, just as in the United States, the emergence of Donald Trump – rich hustla saying that saliva would bring him into who treats facts as something totally unnecessary and adapting to it, what the audience wants to hear – starts to collect the harvest.

Trump – podstać known and powerful – said what millions of Americans thought of but always knew that it was not proper to talk about it. Trump struck in the darkest strings of human souls, the ones that do not have anything against torture, the killing of families suspected of terrorism, bombing villages and towns, where there is nothing innocent children, deportation of millions of people, who for years lived in the United States, calling people a different shade of skin or other persuasion evil rapists.

the referendum called Brexit, in which the inhabitants of the UK voted for or against open the procedure for article 50, starting negotiations on leaving the European Union, made the men of the common people found in a new layers of frustration.

the rhetoric of recent years effected in the minor and major leaders and blaming the media for all the problems of foreign collects harvest today. Substantive criticism of the European Union, which is not the creation of a perfect and there is no appropriate response mechanisms and improve itself, disappears overwhelmed simple news of the sovereignty, independence, democracy and the recovery of the closure of the borders for strangers.

People are frustrated. Not because the EU is that bad. People are frustration by politicians who are killing Deale behind people who lie in vivid eyes (as Farage and Johnson saying that the membership fee after leaving the EU will contribute to the health and withdrawing from promises after winning), involved in elitystyczne scandals with dead pigs, who sacrifice the welfare of citizens to corporations and their profits. People are frustrated by the policies of cuts in social programs and public services, while treating them as a public good and a source of profit maximization. This process dziejący in many countries on our continent and overseas. The same sad process of globalization, deregulation and de facto the rule of concentrated money buyer politicians.

lewaczką call me, please. If being a lewaczką means opposing the privatization of everything possible (and more recently in the UK NHS goes good storms and privatization attempts that result in worse working conditions for thousands of doctors and nurses as well as lowering and as yet non-ideal standard of services in healthcare) and notice that anger the people is directed away from sources of trouble, let it be.

yet history teaches us repeatedly that such anger and frustration can be a powerful weapon in the hands of a skillful and intelligent players can cause huge consequences. Never in the history of man baiting a man to play their own games, did not bring anything overtly positive. Never blaming whole groups of people for incompetence economic ruling did not end well.

A huge clue lies in the analysis of votes by earnings and class voters:

Those who employ the cut-price, work-all-hours services of migrants from Poland and elsewhere are more inclined to vote Remain, while the native working class, with its long-stagnant wages, is more likely to support the Leave arguments that cheap immigrant labor is to blame for Their precarious state. Populus estimates That members of the upper-middle, middle, and lower-middle classes are split 54% -46% in favor of Remain, while the (slightly smaller) group of lower class workers is 48% -52% in favor of Leave . Educational attainment is closely Correlated, with 60% of Those without a university degree wanting out, while graduates, academics, and students are all Clearly in favor of staying In.

The average voter Donald Trump is in a worse economic situation than the average voter Republican and the average voter PiS is often dissatisfied with their financial situation, than voters of other Polish parties

electorates these also combines education and the lack of it, and so on.

those who feel that they have less and actually have it worse, are more susceptible to the rhetoric of blaming foreign and patriotic-nationalist tones campaign. So for centuries.

It’s not that the European Union and globalization have drawbacks. They have enormous, which I mentioned often in the context of the myths that the technologies contribute to all people, and that technologies do not take and do not take jobs for ordinary people. I wrote also about the loss of confidence in the scientists and experts of the media that low zagraniami use moods and drive the madness and the fact that we can not analyze the facts and discuss the merits.

The circus that followed the referendum in the United Kingdom increasing reports of incidents of xenophobic is a symptom of all these phenomena. Just as Polish Youth starting more and more boldly, using advertising with Polish players.

The problem is that merytoryka and reasonable discussion is more difficult than waking hatred. And it scares me every day more and more.

When they came for the Jews, I did not protest. I was not a Jew, after all.
When they came for the Communists, did not protest. I was not yet a communist.
When they came for the Social Democrats, did not object.
I was not yet a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists, I did not protest. I was not a trade unionist, after all.
When they came for me, no one protested. No one was no longer there.

Martin Niemöller, Dachau 1942

* Image Home from website Shutterstock.


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