Monday, June 27, 2016

Germany and France want to “superstate” instead of the EU? – Cable Republic

According to the BBC, at today’s meeting of the representatives of the Visegrad Group with the participation of the head of German diplomacy Frank Walter Steinmeier is to be presented a document describing the plan to create a European “superstate” in place of the European Union. The plan is the idea of ​​France and Germany.

Today in Prague, will meet the representatives of the Visegrad Group and Frank-Walter Steinmeier to discuss the situation of the EU after the decision of UK citizens about leaving the Community.

As it turns out, the representatives of the strongest EU countries already have a concept for the future shape of the Union. Portal reached the information which shows that at the meeting to be presented a document signed by the foreign ministers of Germany and France, in which these two countries are demanding the creation of a place on the EU’s European “superstate”. The new structure would follow the strongest current EU players.

“Our countries share a common destiny and a common set of values ​​that give rise to an even closer union between our citizens. We therefore strive for a political union in Europe and invite the next Europeans to participate in this venture, “- reads the declaration of France and Germany included in the preamble of the document, which he reached service.

Countries included in the EU would have to give up the ability to create on their own, among others, army, special forces, its Criminal Code and the tax system (not just about restrictions in the area of ​​taxes, but also about the common currency and the limitation of the powers of the central bank, who would care about the financial interests of the Member States).

“Threat security of one country is equal to the danger of others, we believe, therefore, that our security is one and indivisible. we believe that the European Union and the European order of security is part of our fundamental interests, and we will defend them in all circumstances. France and Germany share a common vision of Europe as a union security “- given the content of the document service

Another change would be to harmonize the visa system and top-down to decide by the” authorities “superstate of admission procedures and relocation of refugees and border control. Common would also be a foreign policy with respect to other countries and international organizations.

“There should be no unilateral national responses to the challenges of the crisis migration (…) Germany and France are convinced that it is high time to introduce a truly integrated policy asylum, refugee and migration “- continues with the document service.

Below we publish the full text of the document:





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