The one who sits on the board of Polish Television, the supervisory board will decide on Tuesday 2 June. Then the case goes to the National Broadcasting Council, which decides whether to appoint three selected or not.
Before these decisions were made, we present the results of voting conducted among journalists watching the supervisory board conversations with the candidates to the board. On the last day of the hearings, each of the journalists present at all interviews he pointed to the three people who made the best impression. Points from all journalists (5) met Piotr Gaweł. Just behind him is the current president of TVP Juliusz Braun (4), and third place went to Yvonne Schymalla (2). After one voice gathered by Jerzy Daszczyński, Stanislaw Wojcik, Slawomir Zielinski and member of the current Board Boguslaw Piwowar.In total, prior to the supervisory board of TVP in the final of the competition occurred 12 candidates. Here is a summary of their interventions.
Three people are only interested in becoming President: Juliusz Braun, Iwona Schymalla and Janusz Daszczyński.
As the first before the board of directors appeared Janusz Daszczyński , the manager, who had already been on the board of TVP (1994-1999). Quiet, calm. Trawestuje thought Juliusz Osterwa theater and says that TVP should be more than a business venture. I do not want to race with commercial or imitate them. It is for the creation of primate species editorial. Declares himself as a fan of regional offices (he was once director of TVP Gdańsk). He knows that some can not be maintained in its present extended form. “But you must not extinguish the enthusiasm of the people working there,” he says. He would like to launch an educational channel and create a Polish program formats. Journalism will do its own forces TVP, rather than entrust her external producers (programs Tomasz Lis and John Pospieszalski). At the request of the council would be happy to tell you what he sees shortcomings in the implementation of the mission by TVP. But no one takes the subject. They ask him for it, whether it belongs to any political party. “No,” he replies.
Iwona Schymalla too many nights in front of a television camera to be annoyed at the interview. When the chairman of the supervisory board of Stanislaw Jekielek vaguely presents the issue and urged her, saying “We expect an answer to this question,” he was director Ones refutes: “It is please to formulate it.” In turn, member of the board of Tadeusz Kowalski, who tries to give her trouble asking for the budget of the Ministry of Culture, calmly responds that he does not know, he knows, however, what is the budget of public television and its antennas. TVP wants to reduce administration, support our own production, carry out the mission, participate in social discussion and build civil society. In one of the orderlies issues Tadeusz Kowalski – first the chicken or the egg – without hesitation notes that, in the first place need to improve the quality of TV program, and then seek more funding. At the same time it would put public money rather than on ad revenue.
The current president of TVP Juliusz Braun wanted to continue doing what yet. In particular, he can not imagine entrusting the responsibility for the program to another member of the board than the President. Among its successes he mentioned reduction in employment. Fell at the word ‘outsourcing’, but none of the members of the supervisory board does not fathomed the subject of exit from the TV several hundred workers including journalists. The plans for a second term Braun has, among others, create a channel for viewers 50+. The offer is for teens sees more in new media. He also wants to get back to the idea that did not work out in his first term of office, ie. The appointment of chief editors of thematic and quality. The conversation with the president of the council proceeded in a light, almost playful atmosphere in which even expressed by Tadeusz Kowalski critical assessment of journalism channel BBC did not sound hard. “Impartiality is the standard to which we aspire,” said Braun.
The Presidents and members
Another three people both submitted applications for the post of President, as a member of the management board.
As an energetic supporter of commercial revenues presented himself Piotr Gaweł , because counting the significant influence of the subscription is his view unrealistic. Gaweł, which in the past led the TVP advertising agency and was a member of the board, provides, however, that putting on earnings from advertising can be carried out mission. He knew, however, as during the next term of office of the board – if elected him – to increase the budget by 1 billion television zł. His plan is, however, kept secret in front of reporters. “Trade Secret”, says Chairman of the Board Stanislaw Jekielek. The secret is not represented by Ned intention to create a talent bank, which will support young artists and TVP provide programming ideas. Candidate stresses the importance of promoting key brands of software in their own media, as well as on the radio and on the Internet. He wants to do TV 3.0, whatever it is, and start the channel TVP intervention and increase spending on existing channels, TVP Kultura, TVP Historia and TVP Regional.
In turn, the Jaroslaw Pachowski (once sat on the board of both, as well as the board of TVP) is impressive for someone who win or no longer in your pocket, or him it is completely independent. In the part devoted to the presentation of himself and his deep voice speaks strategy generalities (“public television is very much needed”), bumping into his own trap – as when he speaks of requiring the viewer: “He knows what he wants and puts himself scheduling. The viewer often does not have a TV “. A note of sincerity in his voice sounds when the question of regional branches replies that are for TVP load. “I’d do what he could, if I could, to troops move out of the Act on radio and television,” he says.
“I am not a director nor a manager, but I’m a professional”, presents a Urszula Rzepczak , more than 20 years working in journalism (most recently as TVP correspondent in Rome). He wants to TVP returned to the separation of comment on the information. Elected to the board he will know how to raise the quality of public television program. Brałaby money directly from the budget. When asked by Stanislaw Jekiełka, is not addicted TVP of “political winds”, rhetorically asks whether “it’s better now?” And states that “television can get out of this situation unscathed”. The same, however, does not come out unscathed from the question Tadeusz Kowalski on the characteristics of public service broadcasters.
Half of the finalists satisfy job board member. After the supreme power in TVP not want to go: Boguslaw Brewer, Marian Zalewski (both are members of the current board television), Zbigniew Jasiewicz, Wieslaw role, Stanislaw Wojcik and Slawomir Zielinski.
Slawomir Zielinski is the director of the coordinating office of the Polish television. Its strategic goal: rejuvenation of the audience. Means: expansion of the Internet, including programs designed especially for the network. He wants to opt out of advertisements in TVP Kultura, because they give annually as much as how much it costs eight episodes of “Father Matthew” in TVP 1. Renew channel TVP Polonia. “Did you participate in liquidation» Wieczorynki ‘? “, Asks him suspiciously Tadeusz Kowalski. Director of the Programme Office denies. “This state will decide whether I will be fit for the constellation,” he says at the end of the supervisory board.
economic matters would be dealt with Stanislaw Wojcik (already sat on the board of TVP he was also its chief financial officer). It promises to simplify the decision-making process concerning income and expenses. As he does, it is difficult to conclude from his answer. “In four years will not change sources of financing television. We have so monitor the costs so that this organization can fulfill its legal obligations, “says the candidate, but that idea or not concrete. There is much talk about depreciation.
Zbigniew Jasiewicz looks stremowanego, and after the questions of the supervisory board annoys even more. As the director of TVP Gdańsk speaks mostly about managing his squad. “Do you have a good idea, in which the proceedings involved?” – Asks a member of the Supervisory Board Tadeusz Kowalski. “Yes,” he replies candidate, but when asked where he sees on TV reserves, returns in his speech to Gdansk.
Wieslaw Role has already worked in the press (‘ Górnośląski messenger “), and now sits on the board of Radio Katowice. He says the supervisory board that television would be the crowning achievement for his career. And that you have to pay radio-television license. “I still do not understand what is your idea on the management of the company”, acknowledges Tadeusz Kowalski.
The Boguslaw Brewer and Marian Zalewski about an hour devote to express satisfaction with their actions during the ending term of office. Another quarters of the supervisory board devotes to express dissatisfaction with the two men. “You presented your actions as a success story. So there is no crisis? “- Ironically Tadeusz Kowalski after the Brewmaster. And when he admits that, as a realist believes that the first must be the money, then the program criticizes Smith: “So’s your idea is a program misery?”. Brewer, however, sticks to his: “We will have to manage what we have. I do not believe in the conjuration of reality “.
In turn, the Marian Zalewski told by vice-chairman Leszek Rowicki:” I am afraid that the longer and hardworking management in the current structure It will be bustled around the television, the worse for it. ” Round ends Tadeusz Kowalski questions, reminding Zalewski, he came to TVP from politics. “You’re a man of the media or politics?” Asks Smith. “Media”, declares the candidate, but unconvinced Rowicki sure yet, “And you’re a member of the party?” – “No”.
The show
Video recordings of interviews with candidates will be on the Internet only after the verdict of the supervisory board. – Now only the state have the privilege of being spectators of the spectacle – he says journalists observing the interview with TVP person.
The choice of words does not look accidental.
Elzbieta Rutkowska

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