Sunday, July 13, 2014

World Cup 2014: North Korea finale – TV lying citizens … – Radio Eska

~ who Dzon kill (guest) : Korea – Portuagalia 3-0

~ Gość4969413 (guest) : █ ■ █ █ ▀ █ ▀ – GRAND FINAL BROADCAST LIVE ——> ——————- █ ■ █ █ ▀ █ ▀ – GRAND FINALE ——> ———- █ ■ █ █ ▀ █ ▀

~ Brazil (guest) : Korea 1 0 Portugal Hijote Jadajeda 53 ‘

~ Gość4994723 (guest) : Watch brazylia2014 .

~ Gość4994723 (guest) : Watch

~ Gość4994723 (guest) : Watch

~ Webcast f (guest) : Webcast / tvp-sport /

~ f Broadcast (guest ) : Webcast / tvp-sport /

~ f Broadcast (guest) : Webcast / tvp-sport /

mario44x: Watch broadcasts:

class=”zalogowany”> mario44x: Watch broadcasts: frikolive . eu

class=”zalogowany”> mario44x: Watch broadcasts:

‘; } $ (‘# Chat_window_chat_cmn_101861′). Html (html); setTimeout (function () {$ (“# chat_window_chat_cmn_101861″). scrollTop ($ (“# chat_window_chat_cmn_101861″). prop (“scrollHeight”) – $ (“# chat_window_chat_cmn_101861″). height () + 10);}, 50) ; EskaChat.prototype.sendMessage} = function () {var message = Base64.encode ($ (‘# chat_messagechat_cmn_101861′). Val ()); var nick = $ (‘# chat_nickchat_cmn_101861′). val (); var d = new Date (); var _this = this; if ($ (‘# chat_messagechat_cmn_101861′). val () == ‘write what you think’) {return false; } If (d.getTime () 15) {var message = ‘Name is too long (max 15 characters).’; _this.showMessage (message); } Else {$ . Ajax ({type: ‘post’, async: false, url: this.sendRequest, date: {chatId: this.chatId, message: message, nick nick, url: window.location.href, SYSID : 1}, dataType: “jsonp”, success: function (data) {data = Data.dat; switch (data.error) {case 1: var message = ‘Sorry, someone has already used this nickname.’; _this.showMessage ( message); break; case 2: banTimechat_cmn_101861 = 60 var message = ‘Your NICK been blocked due to spamming (repeatedly typing the same.) You can return to the conversation: # time #’; _this.showBanMessage (message, true); break; case 3: banTimechat_cmn_101861 = 60 var message = ‘Your NICK been blocked due to use of vulgar words. You can return to the conversation: # time #’; _this.showBanMessage (message, true); break; case 4: var message = ‘Due to violation of the rules Your IP NUMBER NICK and has been locked.’; banTimechat_cmn_101861 = data.banTime; _this.showBanMessage (message, true); break; case 5: var message = ‘Please enter your username in the box: NICK before you start chatting with other users.’; _this.showMessage (message); break; case 6: var message = ‘The message field can not be empty. Tell us what you think in relation to the topic of conversation and join the conversation. ‘; _this.showMessage (message); break; default: $ (‘# admin_messagechat_cmn_101861′). html (”). hide (); $ (‘# Chat_messagechat_cmn_101861′). Val (”); _this.updateChatContainer (data.entries); $ (‘# Chat_nickchat_cmn_101861′). Val (data.nick); if (data.loggedUser == 1) {$ (‘# chat_nickchat_cmn_101861′). attr (‘disabled’, ‘disabled’); } Else {$ (‘# chat_nickchat_cmn_101861′). RemoveAttr (‘disabled’); LastPostTimechat_cmn_101861 d.getTime} = (); }}}); EskaChat.prototype.calculateTime}} = function (time, first) {var timeUnitBaseText = {“d”: ['day', 'day'], ‘H’: ['time', 'h'], “i” : ['minute', 'minute'], ‘s’: ['second', 'seconds']}; timeValue var = 0; var timeunit = ‘s’; restTimeValue var = 0; / / Days if (time> 86400) {timeValue = Math.floor (time / 86400); restTimeValue = time – (86400 * timeValue); timeunit = ‘d’; } / / Time else if (time> 3600) {timeValue = Math.floor (time / 3600); restTimeValue = time – (3600 * timeValue); timeunit = ‘h’; } / / Min else if (time> 60) {timeValue = Math.floor (time / 60); restTimeValue = time – (60 * timeValue); timeunit = ‘i’; } / / Seconds else {timeValue = time; TimeValueString} var = new String (timeValue); var = parseInt lastDigit (timeValueString.substr (-1)); var conjugationIndex = 1; if (first && timeValue == 1) {conjugationIndex = 0; TimeUnitText timeUnitBaseText} = [timeunit] [conjugationIndex]; if (1 == timeValue &&! first) {timeUnitText + = ‘a’; } If (lastDigit> 1 && lastDigit 14)) {timeUnitText + = ‘y’; TimeDate} var = timeValue + ” + timeUnitText; if (restTimeValue> 0) {TimeDate + = ” + this.calculateTime (restTimeValue, false); TimeDate} return; EskaChat.prototype.showBanMessage} = function (message, showTime) {var _this = this; if (showTime) {var TimeDate = this.calculateTime (banTimechat_cmn_101861, true); message = message.replace (‘# time #’, ‘‘ + TimeDate + ‘‘); This.showMessage} (message); $ (‘# Chat_send_messagechat_cmn_101861′). Attr (‘disabled’, ‘disabled’). AddClass (‘off’); $ (‘# Chat_messagechat_cmn_101861′). Attr (‘disabled’, ‘disabled’). AddClass (‘off’); var interv = setInterval (function () {banTimechat_cmn_101861 – = 1; $ (‘# chat_ban_timechat_cmn_101861′). html (_this.calculateTime (banTimechat_cmn_101861, true)) if (banTimechat_cmn_101861 Administrator: ‘+ message). show ();}

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