Date: 2013-05-04 2:41:20 p.m. Last updated: 2013-05-04 2:41:20 p.m.
You do not pay a subscription radio and television? Count in the fact that your door can knock a bailiff. Debtors raid began in earnest. More than 3 million people throughout the country refuses to payment. Two years ago, the National Council of Radio and Television, together with the Polish Post signed a pilot agreement, under which up to 150 randomly selected debtors Mail sends a warning stating that in the event of non-payment of debt subscriber is entered in the register of debtors. This resulted in a surprisingly good effect. Now only the same Ko?cierzyna namierzono has 570 debtors who in the past five years did not pay the subscription. And here, for many people, the real drama begins. In the list of missing pensioners.
– Since November of last year to now we have 8.5 thousand of instruments – says Zenon Kulaszewicz with the IRS in Ko?cierzyna. – This 570 debtors. Average outstanding amount per person in 1400 dollars. At the moment wyegzekwowali?my have 420,000 gold from about 300 borrowers.
Bailiffsoccupy most bank accounts, wages, and pensions.
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In many cases, exceed the abilities of outstanding debtors. – I thought I would faint when I saw that I immediately have to pay more than a thousand zlotys – says Teresa of Ko?cierzyny. – But my pension is $ 800. I do not know, how do I get enough money. For nothing I can not afford, often missing out on drugs, and I still have to pay the subscription fee.
Emphasize ko?cierscy officials, persons who held accounts are often explain that the age of 75 years and are free of charge. But – what is important – just reaching the age does not exempt from charges. You have to report it to the post office,
real pogrom in Starogard. Payment of arrears of subscription orders already received 1,500 inhabitants. This is not the end. Debtors have an average of 15 writs of execution. Each however has at least four positions. Treasury officials have a special task. To implement the remaining approximately 23,000 titles enforcement throughout the county. Here, too, the average backlog is 1500 z? per person.
IRS officials urge residents to not performed to the office with requests for redemption, the distribution of arrears in installments, because the office is the only contractor for execution. In short, there’s nothing attainment. All communications regarding this matter should be directed only to the Polish Post.
5010 enforcement orders have already been placed for the puck. Arrears are collected from 231 debtors. The total arrears amount to almost 119 thousand. gold. People from the list on average have to pay 1060 dollars. There is better in Kartuzy. – Up to 9 April 5600 sent us some writs of execution, of which we have already completed 31 percent. – Tells Christina Flis from the Tax Office in Kartuzy. Relax at the moment people can sleep Kwidzy? and Malbork. The local tax authorities have not yet had any enforcement orders. The biggest cause for concern to those who a few years ago they paid subscription, but without any specific reaso n to stop doing it. It turns out that the program carried out by the Polish Post is working quite well. Therefore, requests for payment will be more. By law, the fee should pay everyone (with certain exceptions), who has a radio receiver (even the car) or TV. In Poland there are about 14.5 million households, while the receiver has only registered 6.7 million of them. This means that almost every second house has a TV.– Obligated to pay the license fee is almost 4 million households, of which nearly 3 million in arrears – says Katarzyna Twardowska, a spokesman for the National Broadcasting Council Television. – Only 1.06 million paid on time. you only need to pay for the arrears that have arisen over the last five years. Others are barred. Mail follows the list of people who have registered Zbigniew Baranowski, spokesman for the Polish Post talking Edith Okoniewska
enforcement unpaid subscription fees?
Polish Post Office carries out tasks related to the tv service in accordance with the Law on Fees. At the same time the entity coordinating the whole process is the National Council of Radio and Television. Polish Post Office performs a service for the reception, recording and enforcement fees RTV subscription.
Keeping control of the registration of receivers is the under the Act. This can not carry postmen, only authorized employees of the Polish Post. The auditors report and the purpose of the visit show current authorization to carry out control, also have badges, identity cards, and to request permits are required to present an ID card. In case of delay in payment of the license fee shall be charged interest at the rate as for tax arrears.
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Jozef (guest) • 04/05/13, 8:32:56 p.m.
what I’m asking for is the mafia platfusowska nazuca what should I watch unless the Head fell even can put me and so I will not pay if I have to pay to ask what he wants to watch and not the mafia and prostitution platfusowska are on the four channels can also pay mafia platfusowska not citizens can see what the mafia does platfusowska intimidation NATION put this bunch PLATFUSOW THE COURT IMMEDIATELY they break CONSTITUTIONS commonly where state institutions are not forgot and no institution can be seen none of the WHAT WE HAVE A MAFIA
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+2 / -2
Andrew (guest) • 04/05/13, 8:24:28 p.m.
As a customer UPC receive television signals from them and did not penetrate on what basis they
This same they receive. By analogy, it’s like I bought bread and also have someone pay for
flour for the bread.
0 / -1
drones (guest) • 04/05/13, 9:10:12 p.m.
That sir, it is as if you had paid for the supply of bread to the house, but he refused to pay the bread.
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0 / -1
mareklan (guest) • 04/05/13, 8:23:37 p.m.
If I have to pay a subscription, why ask me to pay the tax for possession of electronic equipment. that after buying it did not even pay a rozpakowa?em.Nawet under communism had only when the equipment is connected to the network.
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. (guest) • 05/04/13, 8:03:04 p.m.
The controllers will be given all sorts of scammers so no I will not be in my flat monitor, Best order the prosecutor.
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. (guest) • 05/04/13, 19 : 59:17 this system was practiced under communism. Everything changed KKRiT so far has not signed any agreement with the recipient of the subscription fee so that it is legally possible to pay for something where you were not regularized the situation of paying royalties. the matter should go to the Constitutional Court. answers (0) Alexander (guest) • 04/05/13, 6:00:10 p.m. NBC fails to recognize that in Poland is very much changed. There are thousands of private media and foreign broadcasters. They do not stretch the hand over our money and their programs are attractive and m?drzejsze.Nie TVP I watch and listen to the LP. In this situation, when the year was stirred people’s minds on a subscription if you already inevitable is breaking the outstanding money, it should be done in a civilized manner. What right up the National Broadcasting Council for the interest tax penalty, answers (0)
First, you need to offer a fair way of debt repayment, only from people who do not use the opportunity to enforce the debt. NBC’s proposed method of applying for payment in installments of arrears, upon presentation of a certificate of earnings, meeting the criteria, and so it is not a solution. And let the authorities do not bury their heads in the sand – they greatly disturbed people that subscription is obsolete
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