Friday, January 3, 2014

Space plane, futuristic BMW and crooked TV ... - Poland The Times

Date added: 2014-01-03 5:29:17 p.m. Last updated: 2014-01-03 5:58:30 p.m.

The world is moving at breakneck speed, surprising us at every step. Human imagination knows no boundaries, can be the most surprised breakthroughs. They include studies conducted by scientists at CERN. They carry out an experiment that will answer the question of whether there is antimatter.


 If the answer is claiming our world will change beyond recognition, and airplanes and rockets will fly without fuel.

Many theories suggest that antimatter can produce impact similar to that which causes repulsion instead of attraction to what surrounds them, so as it does ordinary matter.

Confirmation of antigravity would mean a revolution in physics, because it will mean stopping the use of the device flying traditional fuel, to space travel to the most remote regions of the cosmos.

Before this happens, before, because this year, though a specific date is not listed, will be the first tourist trips into space.

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Sir Richard Branson has promised its customers such a journey already in 2011, but as the pioneering attempts happens, the resulting delay, this year will be but a sure thing, writes “The Telegraph”, the test flight is to take place in April, and the right one in November.

One of the television stations in the United States announced the broadcast of the live event. This will be done somewhere in the state of New Mexico.

Let’s go down, however, with a high ceiling to the lower height. And here’s a surprise, because this year the two companies Amazon and eBay announce delivery of purchased goods unmanned samolocikami, and it’s the same day. Even if you ordered something on Sunday, the same day minded messenger from heaven will give us the shipment to the nose, that is, to the door of our house.

amazing to be the speed of delivery, just half an hour after purchasing the goods.

It will help a small device with an American company in San Francisco, which will replace a collection of credit cards. It has the size of a credit card, which contains information about our payment capabilities. Simply press the corresponding button to use the handheld market. And what happens if we lose our Coin

Well Coin is in sync with our smartphone and if you are separated, our phone message appears: do not leave home without it.

Perhaps such a device is already fine-tuned enough to pay him the most strange hotel, which is built in the Chinese mountains Tianmenshan, about 50 km odSzanghaju. At the cost of five hundred million U.S. dollars there arises the lowest hotel on earth. Only two floors will protrude above the surface of the rock, the rest disappears underground, and some even going under water. Designers and builders ensure that the lowest hotel on the planet will be ready by the end of this year.

Then move already manufacturing the world’s first ultra HD TV with a curved screen 21:9. This model 105UB9, the latest “child” LG Electronics. This ground-breaking television with a diagonal 105 inches is officially the largest yet produced a TV with a curved screen.

But this year may be a turning point for another reason – are preparing for human flight to Mars. This pioneering and highly dangerous expedition. Along the way, cosmic radiation, the possibility of collision with asteroids, to the risk for bone and muscle daredevils who take up the challenge. The challenge is to test the end of this or early next year, a special rocket capable adventurers reach the distant flight.

Work on VASIMR, because it has this racket called, is proceeding according to plan, and have there be applied technologies and using radio waves and a magnetic field, all in order to with the least amount of fuel to squeeze as much speed.

It sounds as fantastic as possible and it will soon, transmit three-dimensional images to any desired by our point. The leaders in this are scientists from California.

Similarly, it is said already about the release of the world’s most futuristic sports car BMW i8. This is the second model in the new technology of this concern. The doors open up like wings, flowing lines and clean surfaces (external and internal) composed on the basis of layers; standard reflectors made entirely with LED technology, innovative laser headlights being the only solution of its kind in the world.

The aerodynamically shaped body with unusual styling and visionary interior design, the module of the passenger compartment made of plastic reinforced with carbon fibers, etc.

Others also not lagging behind and already there is growing competition for Google Glass. Japanese carmaker Nissan has created a smart glasses that connect to the Internet and display information on the screen in front of the eyes of the driver.

assumed the head gadget called 3E, or Third Eye (third eye) displays the images in front of the left eye’s . The device will connect to the vehicle via Bluetooth to show the driver information such as speed or navigation system commands.

The technology is similar to that applied the producers of the Google Glass. With the glasses Nissan, which in the sale are to appear in the next year, you will be able to record the videos, take pictures, and browse the internet while leading car.

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