Friday, October 18, 2013

Television warns -

id=”inContext_disabled”> 2013-10-15 19:00

Telewizor ostrzega

Author: Joanna class=”autor”>

“Governor warns heavy frost at night”, “governor warns gusty wind” will soon see these messages every one of us on your TV.

launches new project RSO Regional Threat Warning System. If there is something to threaten us, a warning will appear on the TV screen. This is possible thanks to the launch of digital terrestrial TV and analog TV to replace it. Our TV will act as a smartphone, which operates warning application. Agreement associated with this system was signed on October 14 Deputy Roman Dmowski and Juliusz Braun President of TVP.

system has been running since June of this year in Lubuskie. During this time, warning messages were broadcast 41 times. Running similar applications will be also in other regions. – Today we begin the next important phase of the warning system. Tests confirmed Lubuskie meaning of the solution. With the signing of this agreement will be able to extend the system to the whole country. In the case of large scale disasters territorial rapid and effective approach to information for citizens is of paramount importance – , announced Deputy Minister Dmowski. And TVP president stressed that this program is the best proof of good cooperation between the public television with government, in carrying out important tasks.

messages in the initial phase will appear in regional television channels, then you will be able to see it on any channel TVP. Showing messages will be concise form, the information will be wider reach to the appropriate page teletext. However, in the case of hybrid TV, you can go to the web page associated with the message. The whole project was prepared for months, and the cost of implementing a pilot service in the country is 250 thousand. gold and is funded by the Ministry of Administration and Digitization.

Source: Ministry of Administration and Digitization

photo: Bin im Garten Wikimedia

Joanna Lipi?ska – Ka?mierska

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