Thursday, August 20, 2015

Prime Minister Kopacz met with the initiator of the “Poland in ruins” – Television Republic

The meeting, Prime Minister of the initiator will share in the Gardens of Warsaw University Library which will visit today Ewa Kopacz. At 13:20 Prime Minister Kopacz will also meet with journalists.

Action “Poland in ruins” is conducted primarily through Facebook and is expected to show that describing Polish bleak reality is just a political game, and how to convince the authors of the “Poland even more beautiful, constantly changing and coming toward modernity.”

– Poland is not in ruins. The crash is the consistency of the nation. The crash is tolerance, or lack thereof. The crash is the cooperation church – state. This constantly repeated slogan about the industry of contempt, these adventures at the Presidential Palace, singing, koczowanie, hum, spitting Who’s Who despises? This crash only – commented a few days ago in an interview for Gazeta Wyborcza Eve Siemieńska, one of the founders profile “Poland in ruins.”

Siemińska also explained that the negative look at the situation of Polish began during the presidential campaign, when Andrzej Duda and Law and Justice deputy stressed the problems of the Polish economy. Action organizers say they are not affiliated with any political party.


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