Monday, August 17, 2015

90 firemen were extinguishing Łazienkowski Bridge. “Fire was not” – Television Republic

Yesterday in the evening capital Łazienkowski Bridge for the second time this year was on fire. In its extinction it was attended by 90 firefighters, 22 cars and 4 boats. Municipal Roads and the contractor, the company Bilfinger Infrastructure argue, however, that there was no fire. Fire brigade, however, has a different opinion on this issue.

As reported earlier, yesterday approx. H. 18 crossing was in flames. Fire fighting lasted nearly an hour. Preliminary findings indicate that he was associated with the ongoing renovations.

The head of the CRB Lukas Puchalski, referring to yesterday’s fire, said that “there was more smoke than fire.” – When cutting the middle of the bridge, probably, sparks fell on the boards – he added.

On the other hand, Matthew Gdowski, a spokesman for Bilfinger in an interview with said that this is technology. – The old structure is roasted open fire, it is cut and burned. In fact, they addressed the board. It was a big smoke and in accordance with procedures and in such a degree we were obliged to call the fire department. But the fire was not – he said.

Other opinion on this issue, however, has fire brigade. Cpt. Michael Konopka team press firefighters said that as a result of the diagnosis was found in fire boards technological platform and there are electric cables on a small area. In the opinion Konopka fire was out of control and that is why firefighters had to intervene.


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