Monday, October 10, 2016

All the sillier protests anti- “Manneken Pis”. This time feminists put … cable Republic

on the one hand I am very pleased with the severity in the execution environments of the anti-IPRs in Poland. Not because I like something of their passwords, but that they supply material for the media and cause a smile on the face. And as we know, good health is the Foundation of a good life.

the Portal wPolityce describe a certain event, which took place in front of the Polish Sejm. Here environmental, feminist organized a public … lying on his back in front of the Sejm. Only an hour, because the weather is not so laid before the Parliament building a few people. The reason? Here’s what we can read from this event: “for over 23 years, women, persons with experience of being a woman and a man with macicami* reduced to the role of the body that are unable to make their own decisions about their reproduction”. The event was organized under the motto: “Rebellion Bodies under the diet.”

interestingly, the organizers strongly emphasized that “deliberately use the phrase “person with a uterus”, so as not to exclude people, lonely and niebinarnych that may have macice, but not necessarily identificeret themselves as women”. Well, isn’t it.

Unfortunately, despite such calls as: “let’s Go to sleep under the diet. No speeches, no chants passwords, because the decision-makers and decydentki and so not listening to us. Let’s get together happening, where we show that a passive body, which we imported and can be strong. Show yourself collectively under the diet. Let’s have a dance, and rise of the corpses” of those wishing to participate had a lot, just a few.

it is Interesting that in the future there will be accidents. let’s Put their heads in front of the Seimas”? It would be a promotion!

Source: cable Republic


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