Tuesday, May 31, 2016

President of TVP slowed responsible for the issue of anti-Church … – Cable Republic

Jacek Kurski, President of Polish Television has decided to release three people responsible for the emission of films issued in May TVP2 and TVP Kultura – learned portal wPolityce.pl. Earlier, the head of public television reactions requested the Association of Polish Journalists.

The first film Fri. “Operation Pontifex. Vatican Secret Files” television “Two,” issued May 16. According to the service wPolityce.pl, “the document represented the Catholic Church as the world’s largest spy organization, and its main narrator was a communist spy-ish Tomasz Turowski,” whose past revealed in the weekly “I Sculpture” investigative journalist Cezary Gmyz.

In the second film Fri. “Crucifixion – Holy scandal” that May 12 could be seen on TVP Kultura, concluded, “considering how Christ perform its physiological needs after the crucifixion” – reports wPolityce.pl. The website says that after protests from viewers Jacek Kurski decided to dismiss the work of the three persons responsible for emissions of both films. President of TVP had warned the heads of antennas, alerting them to on the “implementation of the program in accordance with the public mission of the station.”


Monika Olejnik departs from Radio Zet. Replace it with a journalist RMF FM – TV Republic

As reported by “Press” after more than 15 years working in Radio Zet ends Monika Olejnik. Run by her radio show “Guest Radio Zet” will take over from September Konrad Piasecki, a journalist RMF FM and TVN24.

According to information provided by the “Press”, the management group Eurozet proposed Monika Olejnik continuation of the Sunday program “The Seventh Day of the Week,” but the journalist did not accept the offer and she decided to terminate the cooperation with the radio station. Olejnik remain in Radio Zet to change events on holiday.

In September, it will be replaced by a journalist RMF FM and TVN24 Konrad Piasecki. “On the air of Radio Zet is space for many prominent personalities for the benefit of the audience. It is the place and the Konrad Piasecki and Monika Olejnik. Both are prominent journalists, though different their style of interviewing. In this diversity we wanted,” – said the president Eurozetu Andrzej Matuszyński .


Polish government does not extend long-term agreement with Gazprom – Cable Republic

Piotr Naimski, government plenipotentiary. Strategic energy infrastructure, announced that after the expiry in 2022 of the current contract with Gazprom, Poland does not intend to make purchases of Russian gas on the basis of long-term contracts.

– We will strive for a situation in which long-term agreement will become a thing of the past. Of course, if the price of Russian gas will be competitive, it does not exclude the purchases – but certainly not in the context of long-term contract – said Naimski Summit Investment in Eastern Europe, which was organized by Reuters.

“Peter’s words Naimski spoken Summit investment in Eastern Europe show that the regional aspect in the context of plans to diversify the supply of natural gas is very important for the government, “- writes the site energetyka24.com expert. Peter Maciążek energy security.

the government of Law and Justice wants to build energy independence of the country among others on gazoporcie in Swinoujscie, where you can bring in 5 billion cubic meters of gas per year. Another 10 billion cubic meters will come from Denmark and Norway. The raw material will be sent the planned gas pipeline Baltic Pipe. Tomorrow Naimski goes to Denmark to negotiate the details of the project.


PGNiG sues Gazprom. Gas prices not adjusted to the situation on the market

The head of Rosneft zaniepokojny: Saudi Arabia has begun shipping oil to Polish


First birthday .Nowoczesnej. “Ryszard Petru managed to … – Cable Republic

.Nowoczesna celebrates its first birthday. Exactly one year ago at Torwar in Warsaw the congress of the new party chaired by former assistant Leszek Balcerowicz Ryszard Petru.

During the congress .Nowoczesnej its leader spoke about the new quality policy. He pointed out that the dispute between the PiS and antyPiS-I. For the past ten years there have been serious debates about Poland. Often we heard about politics of hot tap water. Hot water is in Kiev and none of it is not clear Petru explained during the meeting. As pointed out, “the dispute between the two major parties (PiS and PO) is sterile” and “none of the old parties will not change this state of inertia.” READ MORE. The proposal filed by voters with a new band gained recognition voters and the party that failed to make their representation to the Parliament.

The first year of operation of the party celebrated yesterday its members. – Modern is an important part of the political scene, our priorities have not changed – said Ryszard Petru on the celebration of the first year of his group. He argued also that the need for early elections, because PiS turns “Poland in hell.”

Is the appearance on the political scene .Nowoczesnej amended the level of public debate? It seems that this party has more in the account other achievement she managed to enter politics successor known for its mishaps Bronislaw Komorowski.

Recall that in just a few months Ryszard Petru said that it is still valid Constitution May 3, and that the Roman Empire fell at the peak of his glory. Parliament called Dumb Sejm deaf. Another time, when he commented on the decision of President Andrew Duda to pardon former head of the Central Anticorruption Bureau Mariusz Kaminski, said Jozef Pilsudski assassinated in May 1935. Petru also has to his credit “establishment” Holy Six Kings, “shift” Lomza and Ciechanowa from north south and the “baptism” of the British premiere of “Cameroon”.


Source: Facebook / Swetru24


Monday, May 30, 2016

Speak television. “Kłapacz not see that on the other side of the screen … – wPolityce.pl

In the era of abbreviations and resorting clamor of advertising, from percepowania flood of information – TV, our beloved, the public reportedly indeed serves a growing crowd of talking heads. Some big guys replaced by others. Settling the grind ozorami faster and more aggressively squeeze us their views.

The new, even the most beautiful faces quickly affixing. The defensive reflex ears of viewers Grow protective membrane and eyes and can see but not be seen.

Television takes bread radio. He noted that one of the dead will urzędniczo presidents radio and figured it would launch a camera to the studio. None of this, of course, did not work out. I wonder how will be settled willing to purchase hardware? But did anyone ever settled the directors, presidents, ministers for money down the drain? Yes they are invading controls, but it is only an additional cost. No one has the company not afraid, and the dangerous inspectors also do not believe in the sense of his work.

Television thrown on the muzzle several hundred of its employees. To wash your hands paid millions a company that has done the dirty work. It seems that invented it and held a brutally small and delicate eye woman. It has not helped the media loud protests and strikes Woronicza inept. People actually was, and there is too much. But not artists!

sinecure had accumulated for years and relate primarily to “employee housing” (it was even so, that TVP employed 400 drivers). The reduction is still needed, but not like it was made. It Out should get a sound check and not a private company that staged the whole comedy. Lady with a penknife consistently castrated employees with many years of experience. Certainly not all but a large part of life for many years, the television trying to cruelly and even lived his unusual, as they seemed to work in television.

People are always long to deceive naively believe in the unsubstantiated promises. They cry only when it is already after tea. The Polish Television lacked real leaders defending the people. Dozens of unions operating there is only a dummy guarantees labor “leaders”. How so stupid chooses – it is then. Anyway, the whole nation in general spsiał. Why otherwise would be Woronicza Square and – coincidentally – Insurgents?

Online odklepywacze written the message, or fly out on the pavement. That there has regularity. So you need to hurry and quickly nachapać. Ask Tomasz Lis – that he knew how to do it. Citizen T. L. is simply uncompromising fellow. He lied, and millions are łykały. He squeaked finally the Sejm bredząc something about “the blood that soaked into the ground.” This tomfoolery was repeated in TVP times, but there is still a lack of wisdom and courage among decision-makers. Lieves today no one draw, therefore remains ridicule.

Kursko may be subject to change, of course, have something useful to do. Of course, not by filling program talkativeness. Television is called – in the second its member – vision. So in terms of image. Well, after all, is what Poland show – the beauty of the country and the people and the times as “interesting” that may never have been more. But you have to see – and then think of a way to present, document. We must also, of course, to go or to go to a place to shoot, assemble. It takes effort and money. It is easier and cheaper, of course, is to plant four letters on the seat and marvel at his own erudition. Kłapacz not see that on the other side of the screen – yawn.

The gap willingness and miserable consequences of growing. Ladies media makers – whether they actually do not see? Maybe you off of Dual? Or have ye just deaf.

Photo & # x119; of Stefan Truszczy  & # x144; ski

by Stefan Truszczyñski

The journalist, reporter, journalist, documentary film. He worked in the press, public television and private television channels; experience in managing large teams. The achievements include television programs – great transmissions, dozens of hour live interviews with the most important – the most famous people in Poland, reports and documentary films from several countries – was a war correspondent on several occasions (including in Croatia), for over 30 years organizing expeditions and made films of a submarine – mainly of wrecks from world war II lying on the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Is committed to defending people and their affairs. He is married and lives in Warsaw for over half a century (after studying Polish literature UW). It operates in the Polish Journalists Association.


Kuźniar frustrated television breakfast will perform in … – wPolityce.pl

Specialist purchases and returns Walmart Jaroslaw Kuźniar leaves TVN . He had enough breakfast television. He found a new job according to their aspirations …

I must admit that it could be the transfer of the year, because disliked by the Internet presenter moves to the Internet.

Jaroslaw Kuźniar after the departure of the Group TVN will work in Grupa Onet, which will lead author affairs program aired live

-Informs portal Wirtualnemedia.pl.

for me personally priceless will return to journalism information

-zapowiadał on Sunday, May 29 Kuźniar on Facebook.

confirm Jaroslaw Kuźniar goes to Onet. Further information about the program will be given in due time

she said Agnieszka Odachowska, director of corporate communications group Onet- RAS Poland.

The Kuźniar will therefore be a direct competitor to the program Tomasz Lis. It can be hard because anti-government and leftist propaganda on the Internet grown harder than on TV.

ann / wirtualnemedia.pl

Photo & # x119; a wSumie.pl

by wSumie.pl

We call a spade a spade


Deputy Parliament Speaker implicated in a corruption scandal? “Receives … – Cable Republic

Military Service in the framework of the activities ws. Investigation dot. Corruption in the army Development of record at the person. On one of the materials recorded the then chairman of the National Defence Stefan Niesiołowski from the Civic Platform, which speaks of an entrepreneur suspected of corruption. In the film, the Civic Platform receives a folded plastic bag – informs today’s “Polish Daily Gazeta”.

Recall that the case concerns the affair, which appeared in the media in July 2015. Military Police then detained 12 people. We all heard the accusations participation in an organized criminal group, giving and receiving bribes in exchange for contracts for the military. In one of the men was found in the Appendix of 350 thousand. zł from bribes. Today, the prosecutor’s office is conducting an investigation concerning. Irregularities in the functioning of the District Board of Infrastructure in Bydgoszcz and accepting bribes by a function.

“GPC” has determined that when performing their activities Military Police applied, among others, observation, checking billing, audio-visual. However, members of the criminal group suspected that can be stalked, and therefore were extremely cautious. On the recordings can be seen, among others, as men communicate to each other messages on cards and deliberately tune in radio loudly to drown out the conversation.

The newspaper reveals, however, that on one of the recordings recorded the then chairman of the parliamentary defense committee Stefan Niesiołowski who talks with the entrepreneur (currently detained in the investigation of corruption in the army). “GPC” stresses that in the video you can see, as deputy receives a commercial. In addition, the newspaper reports that at a time when the recording was made, the company booked a book payments – twice the 20 thousand. zł, but notes at the same time, it is not known whether this has anything to do with the conversation, which the participant was deputy.

The case referred today in the morning, “Medium Cool” Rafał Ziemkiewicz. – Of course, the matter is to put it mildly development, I do not want to exaggerate anything, but such a film exists (…) we will see how it will, but I’m willing to retract that Deputy Parliament Speaker is an honest madman – he said. READ MORE


Scandal at the factory doctorates – weekly “across the network” on the fracas at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts

kg gpcodziennie.pl, telewizjarepublika.pl


Kuźniar frustrated television breakfast will perform in … – wPolityce.pl

Specialist purchases and returns Walmart Jaroslaw Kuźniar leaves TVN . He had enough breakfast television. He found a new job according to their aspirations …

I must admit that it could be the transfer of the year, because disliked by the Internet presenter moves to the Internet.

Jaroslaw Kuźniar after the departure of the Group TVN will work in Grupa Onet, which will lead author affairs program aired live

-Informs portal Wirtualnemedia.pl.

for me personally priceless will return to journalism information

-zapowiadał on Sunday, May 29 Kuźniar on Facebook.

confirm Jaroslaw Kuźniar goes to Onet. Further information about the program will be given in due time

she said Agnieszka Odachowska, director of corporate communications group Onet- RAS Poland.

The Kuźniar will therefore be a direct competitor to the program Tomasz Lis. It can be hard because anti-government and leftist propaganda on the Internet grown harder than on TV.

ann / wirtualnemedia.pl

Photo & # x119; a wSumie.pl

by wSumie.pl

We call a spade a spade


Television and internet on the plane? Airbus is preparing revolutionary … – naTemat

Soon, Airbus will have a super-fast internet on board its planes Airbus / http://www.airbus.com/

During the flight the plane bored as a pug? Coming soon on board aircraft of this group will not have this problem. Airbus Corporate Jets intends to provide passengers with live TV and fast Internet access.
In cooperation with the Swiss carrier Comlux European giant in the aviation market will equip its wide-bodied aircraft in satellite communications in Ka-band. Data transmission in the electromagnetic spectrum allows you to watch live TV and use the Internet bandwidth of up to 50 Mb / s.
Offered telecommunication solutions will be available in all currently produced models of Airbus. To use the passengers will be commissioned in the second half of 2016 years.

This is not the end of good news. 2019 speed internet access on board some machines will increase even more – up to 70 Mb / s. This applies to Airbus in the fleet of British Airways. It has to be a result of an agreement between the company International Airlines Group, which is part of the BA, a telecommunications service provider Gogo.

Source: FoT.cp

Partner of the “Minute with coffee” is a Nespresso


Sunday, May 29, 2016

Vive Tauron Kielce won the Champions League handball! – Cable Republic

After yesterday’s big win over PSG, still waiting for Polish Champions historical final match of the Champions League handball. In the grand finale of MKB Veszprem we lacked emotion beautiful action and horror to the very end. They charge TALANT DUYSHEBAEV eventually won on penalties 39:38 and reached the Champions League trophy dreamed.

The beginning of the meeting completely different from that of yesterday. Kielce came out like a little frightened. Kielczanom virtually nothing coming out, which in cold blood took advantage of their rivals. The first goal of Polish champions have won only six minutes into the game. When at the end of the first half of Vive Kielce doskoczyło rivals and their loss was only one goal. However, the champions of Hungary responded customs hits and eventually to break Veszprem led 17:13.

In the second half of Hungarians not slowed the pace. At the wheel was raging Andreas Nilsson, besides Poles still could not find a way to Palmarssona. For this favorite added a fantastic game in defense. Kielce were not going to give up, however. First, losing 28:19, after a few minutes reduced the gap to 23:28, and finally the real horror lead to a tie 28:28, and thus make up for the loss 9. goals for a few minutes before the end of the match. Hungarians could “kill” Vive hope, but spoiled his attack. Poles stood before a huge opportunity and not waste it. Three seconds before the end of extra time led to a phenomenal throw Krzysztof Lijewski.

Also after extra time still bore draw. Extra time ended in a draw 35:35. Everything was settled in extra time. In the penalty shoot better turned out to be Polish Champions won 4: 3 and eventually the whole meeting 39:38.

‘s dream! Such Champions League handball was not yet. Emotions reached its zenith and will not soon subside. Vive Tauron Kielce showed great heart to the game. For Polish Champions is the first such trophy in the club’s history.


Waszczykowski responds to the threat of Putin – Cable Republic

The military presence of the Americans and the multinational NATO troops is the answer to aggressive behavior and threatening us by the Russian authorities. It will be the presence of a defensive and is not a threat to Russia – said the foreign minister Witold Waszczykowski. The head of Polish diplomacy referred in this way, the statement of the Russian president, who announced an adequate response to the deployment of missile defense system in Poland and Romania.

The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin during his visit to Greece announced that his country will have to adequately respond to the deployment of missile system in Poland and Romania.

– we now forced to respond appropriately – stressed Putin. – And if yesterday some parts of the territory of Romania did not know what it means to be targeted, today already we will have to take appropriate steps to ensure our security – said Russian President. Vladimir Putin emphasized that Russia will not perform the first step, and only responds to the actions of the United States. Russian President pointed out that exactly the same will be the case Polish. – We will wait, while in Poland will be carried out any action, we will not do anything until we see the adjacent territory missiles – said Putin. READ MORE

For these words in an interview Polish Press Agency addressed the head of Polish diplomacy. – President Putin should know perfectly well that the anti-missile shield in Poland there is no reference to Russia’s security – said Witold Waszczykowski. As explained, this system has to defend Europe against a missile attack from the Middle East.

The foreign minister added, however, that the military presence of US and other NATO troops is actually a response to aggressive behavior and threatening us by the Russian authorities. – This will be the presence of a defensive and is not a threat to Russia – summed.


Tusk paid tribute to the victims of the attack in Brussels … dressed in brief … – Cable Republic

The European Council President Donald Tusk decided to honor the victims of the recent attacks in Brussels. There would be nothing surprising if the flowers in front of a plaque has not filed … dressed in shorts, t-shirt and sneakers.

Tusk appeared in front of a makeshift memorial plaque at Maelbeek Metro Station. Image with laying flowers head of the European Council published on its Twitter profile.

costume former Polish prime minister was associated with a half-marathon in which a moment later he took part. Run began near the ill-fated subway station and was held under the banner commemorating the victims of the attacks.


17 people died in a fire at a nursing home near Kiev – Czech Television

In a nursing home living temporarily 35 people. As a result of the fire, which broke out in the building, killed 17 people, and two are in serious condition.

From the witnesses that the fire broke out on Sunday morning.

Rescuers dug 16 bodies and are looking for another one. Services managed to save 18 people, but two of them are in serious condition.

The causes of the fire are not yet known.

The incident took place in the village Litoczki, which is located 37 km east of Kiev.


Fire in Olsztyn. Burning building of the old roundhouse

lml reuters.com, Cable Republic


Today, the feast of Veterans Action outside the country – Cable Republic

The celebration ceremony will be attended by defense minister Antoni Macierewicz and the Minister of Internal Affairs Law and Justice deputy.

Celebrations primary will be held at 12:00 at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw. Noon will read the appeal of Remembrance will be deposited wreaths, and veterans will receive honorary titles and decorations. Around 13:30 start the march of the Old Town. The Kubicki Arcades veterans meet Antoni Macierewicz and Law and Justice deputy.

In the hours from 14:00 to 18:00 at Pilsudski Square will be held Picnic Veteran, during which will be presented equipment and supplies soldiers, police officers, Border Guard, State Fire Service and Government Protection Bureau and the occasional exhibitions and performances of military bands and vocal groups.

Veterans Day Action outside the State was established by Parliament in 2011. Feast is celebrated on May 29 since 2012. The ceremony is connected with the celebration taking place on the same day the International Day of Peacekeepers of the United Nations, which is celebrated since 2002.


Military receives Polish rifles. A giant contract Factory “Archer”

Defence Minister: Polish army will be strong, will be part of an effective NATO, not appearances Alliance

lml mon.gov.pl, Television Republic


Saturday, May 28, 2016

The head of the German Left “attacked” cake. The reason … – Cable Republic

“Attack” made the young activist of the far left. It came to him during the party congress, which takes place in Magdeburg.

The young man ran up to sit in the first row Sahra Wagenknecht and threw her cake.

The extreme left did not like the last statement president, who admitted that Germany are not able to accept all refugees who want to come to them. This statement was met with harsh criticism from left-wing circles, who are returning to Germany for all immigrants.

A man who threw a pie in Wagenknecht got on exit as a journalist. The far left is of the opinion that the statement of the boss is no different from that of the right-wing, anti-Islam party Alternative for Germany, which wants the immediate closure of borders to refugees.

After the incident, the head of the Left quickly left the hall declaring that gives notice of an offense.


Syrian refugees sue the Danish government

the riots in a refugee camp in France. Immigrants shot with airguns

lml tagesspiegel.de, Cable Republic


Kukiz: Justice has been pressure from the European Commission – Cable Republic

PiS has been pressure from the European Commission – in this way, Paul Kukiz commented today published the content of the position that the Polish side gave the European Commission in connection with the conflict of the Constitutional Court.

Portal wpolityce.pl reached the position of the Polish government on the crisis of the Constitutional Court, which Prime Minister Beata Szydlo transferred to the hands of the deputy head of the European Commission Frans Timmermans. The position are the problems of gradual introduction into the TK judges selected by the PO-PSL coalition, and how to print Court judgments. READ MORE

The EC should not be here at all clocked the page!

To disclosed the position of the Polish side won on one the social networking leader Kukiz’15. Policies already in the first sentence of your comment concluded that the PiS has been pressure from the Commission. “The fact that the position you hear ‘Polish party undertakes to” testifies to the surrender of the government. The EC should not be here at all clocked a page! This is our internal matter and saddened that the government’s proposals recognize the first eurobiurokraci, and then Citizens ” – says Paul Kukiz.

on the Rzepliński not see the good will …

the politician sees the positive side, however, proposed by the government to compromise. It indicates that “in the end after six months you will see will make concessions.” He adds that you can not see this good will on the president TK Andrew Rzepliński. “So probably not allow judges to rule PiS and continue to have fun” – he said. The politician argues that the matter of the Court should be closed as soon as possible, because in the shadow of this dispute are disappearing most important for Poles problems such as high taxes, growing emigration, claims professional groups (eg. Nurses).

In closing thought, Kukiz takes the view that only fixes his club can odpartyjnić TK. Here evokes the election of judges by a majority of 2/3, and the enlargement of the Court’s 18 judges, which will soon complete the theme.


Putin: It will be the answer to the anti-missile shield in Romania and Poland – Czech Television

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin during his visit to Greece announced that his country will have to adequately respond to the deployment of missile system in Poland and Romania.

– We now forced to respond appropriately – stressed Putin. – And if yesterday some parts of the territory of Romania did not know what it means to be targeted, today already we will have to take appropriate steps to ensure our security – said Russian President. Vladimir Putin emphasized that Russia will not perform the first step, and only responds to the actions of the United States.

The Russian President pointed out that exactly the same will be the case Polish. – We will wait, while in Poland will be carried out any action, we will not do anything until we see the adjacent territory missiles – said Putin. In his view, the deployment of the US missile launchers in Europe is a breach of the Treaty on the elimination of medium-range missiles in 1987.

– Today deploy there missiles with a range of 500 kilometers, within a few that will rocket with a range of 1000 kilometers – said Putin, who said that even know the approximate date when just such missiles would come into use. He stressed that this situation threatens the forces of a nuclear Russia.

Recall that the ceremony for the American system of missile defense in the Polish base in Redzikowo took place on 13 May.

The promise missile has already in 2007. US President George Bush in an interview with President Lech Kaczynski. Around the base in Redzikowo completed the construction of a special, three-part fence containing advanced electronic systems and monitoring.

Located near Slupsk American anti-missile shield to be equipped with modern radar and missiles that will be able to destroy incoming ballistic missiles. Installation in Redzikowo is to be included in NATO missile defense system and protect European allies of the US.

aP wprost.pl, telewizjarepublika.pl


Friday, May 27, 2016

Nadia Savchenko president of Ukraine? – Cable Republic

Freed two days ago Ukrainian pilot declared that if the nation wants, that was a leader, “it will be.”

– the Ukrainians, if you want me to be president, I will him – said Savchenko, who on Wednesday was released from a Russian prison. The pilot even during his stay in prison, was elected to parliament, but admits she does not want to get involved in politics. – I love to fly. But if I have to, I’ll do anything – assured Savchenko.

As a national hero of Ukraine Savchenko promised also that it would aim to restore control of Ukraine over the Donbas and Crimea and the fight against corruption in the military.

the term of the current President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko ends in 2019 years.

Nadia Savchenko was captured in eastern Ukraine in June 2014. and sent to Russia. March 21, 2016, the Russian court found the Ukrainian pilot guilty of killing two Russian journalists. The pilot was sentenced to 22 years stay in the colony.

Savchenko was freed in exchange for two Russian prisoners freed – Yevgeny Jerofiejowa and Alexander Alexandrov. Information about the exchange of prisoners, the media give out as early as March. The Russian-Ukrainian talks told about the situation of Russian prisoners sentenced by a court in Kiev. They were sentenced to 14 years for taking part in the “aggressive war” against Ukraine.

Read also:

Nadia Savchenko free. Poroshenko: In Ukraine, returned hope

d Radio ZET / UNIAN / “Guardian” / MW fronda.pl


Bomb alarm in Katowice – Cable Republic

The first information about the evacuation of the mall in Katowice gave service interia.pl, who received it from Katowice police.

According to reports from witnesses, part of the evacuation was to take place peacefully, others describe it as chaotic and poorly organized. It is not known whether the alarm was real, or exactly who reported the threat.

Service interia.pl and “Dziennik Zachodni” report that in the case of Katowice city center, the threat sent electronically.

From 14.00 media and Twitter users indicate, however, that the evacuation for alarm bombing occurred also in Olsztyn headquarters of TVP Krakow Galeria Kazimierz, the editorial headquarters of Axel Springer in Warsaw and shopping centers in Gdynia and Gdansk .

According to “Gazeta Krakowska” gallery Kazimierz evacuated several hundred people. – The evacuation we have taken after about an hour as 13 employees of the Gallery received a mail with the information that the object can be planted bomb – commented on the matter Catherine Fell from the press office of Malopolska police. Currently, the search of the building.


The end of the evacuation after bomb hoaxes? – Cable Republic

The Katowice branch of Polish Television is one of the places where today there was to evacuate due to a bomb alert. It is also one of the place where the control of the police and sappers, employees could come back to work. – The issue of our program was not under threat – calmed in an interview with Czech Television Wojciech Janocha with TVP Katowice.

Because information about the bomb threat, police evacuated the first shopping center Silesia City Center in Katowice. Then, given that the police and administration buildings also received information about a bomb alarm among in Olsztyn and Katowice TVP headquarters, shopping center in Krakow, Gdansk and Gdynia and the editorial headquarters of Axel Springer in Warsaw. READ MORE

According to media reports, in many places the evacuation has already been completed, and the employees could return to the building.

In an interview with Antoni bumblebees, Wojciech Janocha of the Katowice branch of TVP confirmed that in the case of the Katowice branch of a false alarm. – Approximately 13 hours, we got information that we have to evacuate. In place of the hosts came three firefighters, two ambulances and police. All were evacuated and some two or three hours we had to stay outside the center – told Janocha.

Employee TVP Katowice noted, however, that the action of checking the building was done smoothly and about an hour 17, all employees who were needed to implement the program , they returned to their jobs. – The issue of our program was not threatened, although little it has complicated the work – said Janocha.

Police investigating the case and the offender false alarm bomb must expect severe punishment, up to 8 years in prison.

d Television Republic , TVP info, interia.pl, slaskie.naszemiasto.pl, gazetakrakowska.pl, TVN24 warszawawpigulce.pl


Two American fighters fell into the ocean – Television Republic

Over the Atlantic collided two fighter jets belonging to the US Navy. The causes of collision are unknown.

Combat aircraft F / A-18F Super Hornet fell into the ocean. All four pilots were rescued and transported to hospital in Norfolk. The event announced the US Coast Guard.

It is not known what caused the accident. From a communication by the military it indicates that the incident occurred during training flights.


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Central national TV. Polish Television changes the structure … – Gazeta Wyborcza

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                          Head TVP

Head TVP (Fig. Slawomir Kaminski / Agencja Gazeta)



The TVP is working on a new structure. The idea is that the whole program all antennas watched one man.





Article open within the free limits subscription digital

          1 ->

Press Office TVP on the question of these projects offset a that "are conducted routine ongoing analysis of the functioning of the company." When asked about the details, it turned out that it is a change in the organization: "The work on the optimization of the organizational structure of TVP SA are carried out jointly by a group of key executives antennas and offices of the company under the leadership of deputy director of the Office of Corporate Affairs for the Development of Brand Kwasowca. Currently under development is the direction of change organizational efficiency improvement of the company and producing the conditions for rebuilding relationships TVP with the world of artists and rebuilding potential for its own production of films and programs of forces and means of TVP "- wrote off TV.

According to our information, the design of these changes can come into force on 1 July along with a package of new laws on public media. TVP, Polish Radio and the PAP will be transformed on July 1 in a "state legal persons" (projects passed in the Parliament first reading, now has to take care of them subcommittee committee of culture).

There will be no presidents TVP, Polish Radio and PAP. They will be managing directors, who are also editors-in-chief of national media. National media have to have a statutory obligation to "respect the Christian system of values, assuming the universal principles of ethics."

The national media will have every year more than 2 million zł of a compulsory charge of audiovisual (12-15 zł per month). It is approx. Three times more than it is now with a subscription to the division between TVP and Polish Radio.

In the TVP mission is to be centrally planned. At the moment, the antenna - Single, Double etc. - are independent entities. Directors antennas are their editors-in-chief, which means that they shape the nature of the antenna, they may freely choose the program, responsible for the purchase and production of new programs. Program schedule with their work and their business card.

With this end. The programs will no longer copyright antennas. The author can be only one. The new structure is the Programme Office has to decide which show the antenna. So far, the Programme Office acted more service functions to the antennas and coordinated cooperation between them. Now it has to be subordinated directly to the Director-editor.

- TVP 1 and TVP 2 de facto issuers will be content and not so far independent units programming. This is what is on the antennas have to prepare editorial subordinate to the Programme Office - tells us one of the directors of TVP. - Also finance antennas are to be centralized.

- The change in the structure will entail dismissal - said "Election" one of the managers of TVP. - First of all positions journalistic and editorial. Some will be eliminated, others arise. It will be another revolution personnel on TV.

Changes in a similar direction are prepared and Polish Radio. Here a few weeks ago came the idea to introduce an information service for all antennas. Identical-sounding information service would be broadcast on channel, Troika and the top four. The talon no longer, because the board removed the morning news. Program 4 since the beginning of June turn into a news channel Polskieradio24 and will be broadcast on the frequency Four. Four in turn, will only broadcast digitally and on the internet, the site PR24.



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Comments (2)


                                 So it will be worse than under communism.









                                 Propaganda 24 hours a day. Now the transfer of Mr Kaczynski will be sent not only to sms PiS MPs, but via the national media to the sovereign. Mr. Kaminski of Law and Justice deputy and will take care of national discipline, the model of party discipline. I have to disappoint men - have your message and discipline in deep esteem.





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Madness fans in Arłamów. Live TV reported on … – naTemat

After leaving the helicopter Robert Lewandowski got into the electric car – all broadcasting TV stations. photo. naTemat

On Wednesday Arłamów it began grouping of male Polish national team in football. But only on Thursday workout he dominated the news. Reason? The arrival of Robert Lewandowski helicopter.
– Madness in Arłamów. Lewandowski on the waiting crowds! – Reports TVN24 Sport. Indeed, photos and tłity from Arłamów confirm that the famous footballer has been adopted by fans as the hero. Some noted that in Arłamów for PRL was interned Lech Walesa.

Jakub Rzeźniczak, football Legia Warszawa, regrets that he was not appointed to represent, but as he himself admits, is not in good enough shape.
However, those associated with madness Arlamow also met with criticism. It was a helicopter landing Robert Lewandowski became the main news on TV news. Not everyone thinks that this event deserved so much attention, either on the way of reporting it by the major news stations.

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