Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Staff Andrew Duda confirms its willingness to debate held … – Television Republic

The head of the election campaign, Law and Justice deputy Andrzej Duda sent a letter to Paul Kukiz PiS candidate confirming readiness to participate in the debate.

I would like to officially confirm that Andrzej Duda, a candidate for the office of President of the Republic, as had previously declared, is willing to participate in the debate that the Lord will lead – is an official letter to Paul Beaty awl Kukiz. The letter also informed that the staff is ready to begin understanding on the terms of the debate.

May 12 Kukiz announced that he would steer the debate, the candidates in the second round of presidential elections. Dear Candidates, since courted the votes of my electorate that met him! – then appealed to Bronislaw Komorowski and Andrzej Duda. Staff PiS candidate immediately accepted the proposal, and he Duda wrote on Twitter: “Ok, get into it.” READ MORE …

A few days ago Kukiz directed to staffs Bronislaw Komorowski and Andrzej Duda official invitation to the debate. READ MORE …

Today staff Andrew Duda once again confirmed his readiness to participate in the PiS candidate proposed by Kukiz debate. In a letter Beata awl to Kukiz read: Andrzej Duda believes that Poles expect today primarily for dialogue, talks about the most important issues for citizens.

Lord voters were in favor of fundamental change the situation in our country. This change should start the conversation, to presentation of himself respect – we read later in the letter.



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