Sunday, December 14, 2014

Soft power Peking: Chinese television, newspapers and TV series come … –

The huge resources of raw materials, rare earth metals, formed only a market for goods, services, the fastest growing middle class today – Africa has enormous potential for growth, is the promised land for big business, which will closely monitor the growing economies. Next to failed states like Somalia, South Sudan, Central African Republic, and Chad, are also active countries whose GDP grew a few years ago at a rate of over 16 per cent., As in Angola, now overtaken by Mozambique. Their growing wealth and stabilizing the political situation increases the investment attractiveness of Africa in the eyes of investors. Before the Continent is still a lot of work, a lot of years to catch up, build roads and bridges coun tries between feuding neighbors often, but there are already the first signs of what Africa can still be achieved.

Beijing for many years been developing economic relations with Africa, offered already huge investments in infrastructure, build roads, provide loans and grants. But money alone is not sufficient to build strong bonds of mutual sympathy and less dependent on the thickness of the portfolio of one of the parties. As defined by the American researcher Joseph Nye , soft power is the ability of getting what you want, rather than due to the attractiveness of coercion or money.

As aptly put it, “The Economist “China’s growing emphasis on the acquisition of kindness partners, or just soft power, indicating that they want to use these platforms to the acquisition of key geopolitical allies and export its economic model and values. The main goal, however, may be the one that Africans want to pay attention to China, and they did not do this only if they are profitable and need further investment. The game takes place so the souls, exceptionally portfolios, although experts for several years warned that the greater the impact of China in these regions can threaten the position of the United States.

& gt; & gt; & gt; Read also: Strategic fight for the Dark Continent. China has already won the battle for Africa?

It is not only the facts, but also the reputation

China faced a race with the United for the title of superpower and a key threat, paradoxically, may prove to be economic strength, but a sea-change China’s image in the international arena, especially among developing countries. Africans to gain sympathy Beijing throws a lot of money and a new power – contemporary media.

The Chinese news agency and TV series hit the continent.
Americans were masters over the years in promoting the lifestyle, the political, economic and brands of the country in general. In addition, they have no experience in colonial Africa to facilitate their work. Soft power in each country depends directly on the attractiveness of the solutions proposed by him. So the Chinese are trying so hard to convince their customers that they also “are cool.”

Although China still lagging behind the US in terms of popularity on the black continent, it would be well-liked there most of the world. According to the Pew Global Attitudes Project Research in Europe, only 28 per cent. Germans or Italians likes Chinese. Meanwhile, the average level of sympathy for the Middle in Africa dates back to … 72 percent.

As for the economic value – China has already become the second investor in Ghana and Kenya, fourth and fifth partner Nigeria, Senegal, there also strongly support the development of infrastructure. Not without reason in the said report by the inhabitants of these countries were rated highest.

& gt; & gt; & gt; Read also: Europe compete with China on the kindness of Africa. Gives 107 million to develop, will be the next

What happens to the Chinese soft power

Nothing so effectively does not preach values ​​in easily digestible manner as culture. Not only high culture, but also popular, movies, music, literature, and also a symbol of our times – soap operas. Strong their presence affects the efficiency of soft power. China believe that the Western media maintain a monopoly on information in the region and impose negative tone on Chinese economic motivation.

For Beijing, so the key is to change the narrative. Chinese media come to Africa at a time when Western agencies rather limit their presence here. According to the report, The Economist, Xinhua news agency five years ago has increased to more than 20 the number of its editorial staff, also operates China African News Service. Today, the state Xinhua is an important source of information in many African countries. In 2012, established the African branch of Chinese television CCTV, which is based in Nairobi, capital of Kenya. How important is the fact that it proves that this is the first such facility outside of China.

Beijing is so in Africa its news agency, television, and, of course, the press. There appears a state newspaper China Daily. Great importance in the region, where the number of illiterates often exceeds 30 per cent., Is of course the radio. Chinese radio is present there since 2006, the first editorial staff also opened in Nairobi. The program is broadcast in English, Swahili and Chinese. Also recently launched programs live in Lagos Nigeria and Harare, Zimbabwe.

As a further source of culture Economist points interminable series, soap operas that promote contemporary Chinese lifestyle. One of them is the “Golden days of a daughter-in-law,” or “Golden Days daughter in law”, translated into Swahili already in 2011., Shown in Tanzania. Soap operas of great importance for gaining souls highlights the fact that even the president of China, Xi Jinping, spoke of another series while in Tanzania. – “Doudou and her in-laws’ Tanzanian audience helps to know the joys and concerns ordinary Chinese family – he said, and the audience had to interrupt him with applause. It is worth noting that the Swahili language spoken by about 50 million people, it is used in Kenya, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda. Videos can therefore easily migrate.

Before the Chinese journalists and artists, but still a long way to go. While expresses sympathy for China in Africa more than 70 percent. residents, it is only one-third of likes Chinese culture – music, film and television. Great acclaim, however, according to the Economist, has the technology of the Middle Kingdom.

A very wise step is indicated also by many experts – a different approach China to Africa. Officially, Beijing does not treat the countries of this continent to patronize. In contrast, the United States and Europe, Africa has long been the recipient more than an equal partner to talk. That changed only this year, when the first summit was held US-Africa. The prevailing opinion is that this was an important event (unprecedented), but delayed a decade. Union this time before she knew it, and held a similar summit in 2007 already. At the finish line first, however, were China, their trade cooperation, investment and education is defined in the policies already Cooperation Forum in 2006.

Getting sympathy, opening editorial, funded scholarships – they can seduce. The Chinese are known for but with pragmatism, and advertising costs the country. So it is impossible not to ask, what is the purpose behind this if anyone is able to spend millions of dollars for the same kindness. And if the answer is – no, the next question might be, what the citizens of the Middle Kingdom is the friendliness of the residents of the poorest continent on Earth. I have as yet undiscovered and unsold commodities has Africa.

The effectiveness of “soft power” influence the actions of the state government itself. If policies stand in sharp contrast to the professed values ​​may prevent increase in revenue, despite the efforts. A good example is not high level of sympathy for China in Europe, because of how little respect for human rights in China, and the perception of them as a strong economic competitor. In contrast, the American model of democracy is indeed a potent source of attractiveness of the United States, but not in the eyes of the inhabitants of some regions of the world, such as Latin America, Africa and Asia.

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