Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The nationalists about censoring Facebook: the State must begin to act … – cable Republic

Today, the program “To the Point” free Evgeny spoke with representatives of national organizations on the policies that Facebook has grown in relation to their profiles. – As you can see, content, conservative, national, Patriotic and don’t fit in the discussion in Facebook which has huge power of influence on public opinion, – said Ivan Kalinowski, representative of the MSA.

“This is political censorship”

Thomas Kalinowski, representative of the Camp of the National Radical, Matthew Marzoch, Vice-President of the Association of Independence March and Robert Vinnitsa, Chairman of the National Movement”, member of the Sejm, spoke about the censorship that is used in Facebook.

-presented their point of view has already found a fan pageMłodzieży Wszechpolskiej, and the day before yesterday was deleted without explanation. It’s absurd that the profiles are working legally in Poland, organizations and political parties are subject to cleaning with closer to unexplained reasons. This censorship is political, and our opponents, who are afraid of our influence on the society to take such steps, said Matthew Marzoch.

- Not tonight Facebook censors such material on its web site. For us, as ONR, it began a year ago when we brought thousands of people to the streets in protest against the admission of migrants, – said Gennady Kalinowski.

- First of all, in the ensuing bans, we noticed that the profiles banowane that content allegedly does not conform to the standards of Facebook. It was often the materials, which were the symbol of the phalanx of ONR – in Polsceniezabroniony and lawful, and materials against the admission of migrants – added Marzoch.

“every Day on Facebook he is 11 million Poles”

- Facebook is a huge social impact, daily 11 million Poles, he enters and 80% of draws out information. This raises the question whether Facebook complies with article 54 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland on the freedom of expression and prohibition of censorship?As can be seen, content, conservative, national, Patriotic and don’t fit in the discussion in Facebook which has huge power of influence on public opinion. In this case, mark Zuckerberg met with U.S. senators, because there is Facebook limited the message of the Republican party – said Kalinowski.

during a conversation in the Studio a telephone conversation with Robert Vinnitsa, Chairman of the National Movement.

– there are voices, arguments, what |how you do not like a portal, take it, it’s a private company." Facebook is a monopoly in its territory, and if we are dealing with such a monopoly, can not say “please.” Especially it affects the national organization to which Facebook was the primary place for komunikowaniai content. We could appeal to millions of people and replace us with it’s traditional media, said Vinnitsa.

“the struggle is ideological”

- the State should be interested in what freedom of speech in the public space legally existing public associations and parties is limited not through the court, and based on the findings of an international Corporation. Today, blocks a Movement of national, tomorrow will be someone else. We often pay attention to the order of the Corporation, and also in the media space. So now we must sound the alarm and the Polish state must begin to act. We can’t afford it, because tomorrow we may Wake up with the policy of the media, the office of Silicon Valley or Washington, warns the President of the National Movement.

- Is the argument that these materials are users. It’s a lie, because Facebook continues to fight ideological. The nationalists are misleading, profiles, left, and the left gives our profiles. This attack on the political. If national profiles are deleted, then the extreme left, antykościelne, iconoclastic be. Here clou – focusing on specific political options – added Vinnitsa.

Is not only a March for Independence, not only political option and the whole environment of national-Patriotic. Submitted photo the national-Patriotic organizations operating in the UK. In Manchester commemorated the Polish soldiers were tombstones, candles and did not meet the standards of Facebook. Responsible for this “shooting competition in narodowców during the March of Independence”, the profiles that clearly offend the Pope, spreading communism, which is prohibited in Poland, lists Matthew Marzoch, Vice-President of the Association of the March of Independence.

- This fight goes all the time, appear to the left of the page, it is reported clear, but the result of this struggle is the right hand is niedopuszczana to vote on the Facebook servers. Removed materials such as White eagle, Russia, flag, cross pattern. Tomorrow it may be other organizations, and that they will rule out Facebook. This freedom from the point of view of the left-liberal – says Kalinowski.

Source: telewizjarepublika.pl


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